Sunday, February 8, 2015

February YOTA SAL

I'm a day late with my YOTA post! Hosted by Pull the Other Thread, this is a fun way to work on our acronym projects (UFOs, WIPs, BAPs, etc). I had to work yesterday and I didn't remember I had to post until I started reading everyone else's posts. 

I managed a bit of progress on a few of my pieces this month. 

1. White Wolves - hoping for a November finish, started here:

And I'm here so far. 

I'm concentrating on the upper left corner since I prefer to start there and having it unfinished has been bothering me. I think I'll continue until I have to move the Qsnaps and then go to something different for awhile. Also, check out my new needle minder from Cirrus Creations. :)

2. Otto - did not see any progress past my January post

3. Homeward Bound started here:
and finished here:

I extended out to the left edge so I just need to do that all around and fill in a bit of the inner circle that is yet unstitched, as well as some filler around the circle. 

This is another one I'm hoping will have a November finish. 

4. Skitzzzzz fractal started here:
And finished here:

I'm very happy with my progress on this one and I think having tried a couple HAEDs in the meantime allowed me to get the hang of the confetti stitching much better this time. You can tell by the left edge I was only doing cross country before. I do a combo of cross country and parking and that seems to work for me. I hope to finish the first page at least this year. 

I hope everyone else had a great month and I look forward to reading the rest of your posts and seeing how we do next month!

Happy Stitching,



Thanks for any comments!

Overdue Update Post

Hey, back again. Life happened and kind of blind-sided me, so here we are 2 months later. Obviously, stitching time went down to almost none...