Monday, July 29, 2024

Summer Olympics 2024 WIP Update

I decided to work on a bunch of WIPS over the Olympics. Not necessarily one per day, but I'm trying to get at least 2 hours on each WIP if I can. I don't have any particular order, basically the first one I get to in the case that holds all of them. 

The first one I came to was Winter's Feast, which used to look like this:
and now looks like this:
Winter's Feast by Mill Hill
stitched as charted with kit threads and beads on perforated paper

Next up was one that hasn't been out of the WIP box for a while (2020). It looked like this when I got it out:
and now it's  here:
2009 Santa by Prairie Schooler
stitched 2 over 2 with DMC blanc, 816, and 890
on 28ct Haunted by PTP?

Next up was another Mill Hill kit, I have a few of those on the go! Last time it looked like this:
and now you can see a bit more of the project:
Skating Snowman by Mill Hill
stitched 3 over 3 as charted with kit threads and perforated paper

And there's these little birdhouses by Durene Jones that I started a few years ago and didn't have many stitches then:

and now you can see a bit more of both of them:

Christmas Birdhouse by Durene Jones
stitched 2 over 2 on 28ct Monaco
with DMC as charted

And another one from 2020 came up in the WIP pile, it used to look like this:
and I'm posting this photo first because of the ironic mistake I made:
Can you believe it? How could I misspell school?!? Anyway, I couldn't leave it like that, so this is what it looks like now:
Official Snow Guide by Lizzie Kate
stitched 2 over 2 with random stash threads (DD, WDW)

I dug out another "small", because it's not small in 1/4 and 3/4 stitches and very fiddly, but I got quite a bit done. Here's where it was:
and now:
Honest Santa... I Didn't Do It by The Sweetheart Tree
stitched 2 over 2 with charted DMC

And lastly, I picked up this one this morning:
And added almost all of one more colour:
Stocking ornament by Jane Henderson
stitched 2 over 2 as charted
on 28ct scrap evenweave

And that's where I'm at so far. And it's only been 3 and a bit days of Olympics. Of course this was while DH and DD were away one evening and while I was off work, so the next few days probably won't have as much stitching. That's partly why I tried to get a lot done this past weekend. 

Hope you're all enjoying the Olympics, there's been some amazing performances!

Happy Stitching, 



  1. Oh how fun! No crazy Olympic stitching plans for me, but I love following along with yours.

  2. I love how those Olympics games gave us a good energy on our stitchings. I have selected 12 sports linked to 12 of my WIP. Hope it's not too ambitious but if you want progress you must have goals, no? Glad to see you're on the same mood, your post will give me courage! Bisous xxx


Thanks for any comments!

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