Monthly Challenges 2020


January - Sekhmet Challenge 
- Sekhmet is a warrior goddess and goddess of healing. Stitch 1500 stitches on something relating to Ancient Egypt in honour of Sekhmet or something with humans in it because she would drink their blood, or animals, same reason. I thought I'd try and work on my Snippet Tiger Stare, but now I think I'll also do Waterhole Master because there are lots of animals to give to her.


Past or Future - for the Roman God Janus, the two faced God, work on something you really need to be finished. I'm going to use See Ya Later Alligator for this one, and if I manage to finish, maybe Butterfly Quote as well. 

Do You Even Fly? - The Ancient Greeks called half bird/half woman creatures sirens, not mermaid type creatures, then there was a shift somewhere throughout history. Stitch 1500 stitches on something you can relate to the siren confusion, woman, mermaid, sailing, birds, etc. Princess and the Dragon for this one!


January - Peter Pan Monthly Challenges - * cannot double dip stitches with other events in this group

1) Tick Tock! The clock the crocodile swallowed gave him away. There are 4560 seconds in the Peter Pan movie. Therefore, stitch 4560 stitches on anything. I can maybe use Faery Tales for this, I haven't used it for anything else yet in this group.

Mini Waterhole Master has 1704 stitches in so far.

2) Stitch 300 stitches for each child on a project that each might like. Wendy, Michael and John. Wendy likes stories, John wears a top hat and carries an umbrella, Michael has a teddy bear. Not sure what to stitch for these ones yet.

I stitched on Faery Tales for Wendy and John because Wendy tells stories and John wears a hat.
and for Michael I stitched on Mini Waterhole Master because he likes animals (carries a teddy)

3) Chores for Mr. Smee! There are 4 parts to this and we have to stitch 100 stitches for each part.
a. Polish the captain’s hooks - stitch in gold or silver
b. Shine the captain’s shoes - stitch in black or gold

c. Shave the captain’s face - stitch in white for the shaving foam

d. Prepare the captain’s meals - stitch in green for the captain’s vegetables

4) Stitch 1000 stitches for a woman because the part of Peter Pan is often played by a woman on stage instead of a boy. One of the most famous is Mary Martin. I stitched on Ocean Curiosity starting here:
and did over 1000 stitches for a finish!

5) Mr. Darling is often played by the same actor who plays Captain Hook, and because of this trend, stitch on something you thought you liked, but ended up being disappointed with for 500 stitches. I'm not sure on this one as so far I'm enjoying most things, but maybe one of the older WIPs I haven't touched in a while?

Peter Pan Movie Watch - three levels, points vary for each one. 
Noble: Watch the movie and do something other than stitch
Knight: Watch the movie while stitching on any project
Royal: Watch the movie while stitching on a project that is either a Disney project, or has an element in it that directly relates to the movie eg pirates, children, a teddy bear, fairies etc - went for this one because I stitched on Mini Faery Tales

February Frozen Monthly Challenges

1) There are 2000 different snowflakes in the Frozen movie, stitch 2000 stitches in white, 3865, etc. Mini Winter Magic for this one!

2) Prince Hans has 12 older brothers. Stitch 100 for each brother on your oldest WIP. I think this is Siberian Forest, although might be some Dimensions Xmas ornaments. I'd have to find them first.

3) We finish each other's SANDWICHES! - stitch 300 stitches on a project with sandwiches/food.

4) Reindeer are better than people - stitch 1000 stitches on a project with an animal in it, bonus points if you stitch on the animal.

5) Build Olaf! Stitch 100 stitches in black for eyes, 100 stitches in black for buttons, 100 stitches in orange for nose, 100 stitches in brown for arms/hair, and 100 stitches in white for body/head. I used Princess and the Dragon for black so far.

6) Some people are worth melting for - tell who in your life is worth melting for and why - DD of course! She's the best.

Frozen Movie Watch - same as Peter Pan above, most points if you stitch on something relating to the movie - I'll stitch on Mini Winter Magic since it has snow.


January Book Challenge:
1) Read a book with a spider on the cover or in the text - Wee Free men
2) Read a book with a forest on the cover - A Hat Full of Sky
3) Read a book where someone gets attacked - Mycroft Holmes
4) Read a book where someone is imprisoned - Warbreaker
5) Read a book from an author new to you - The Disappearing Spoon


January - noncounting event to stitch in the colours of Australia. I chose blue and white like the flag and worked on Mini Winter Magic.

February - Brazil - I chose blue for the Brazilian flag and will stitch on Mini Winter Magic since it has blue in it. 



New Start - Pleasure or Pain? - non-counting project to see how far you get in a month with a project that you love or hate. I chose Faery Tales as well and will update at the end of the month with a photo.
18 ct Wichelt aida in beige

Serial Stitcher - a fun event one of the admin's children came up with. One stitcher is a Sheriff and one is the murderer and the Sheriff is trying to figure out who's "killing" people off. The murderer can only "kill" you if you stitched less than they did that day. If you're inactive for awhile, the admins kill you off too. :) The new twist is ghost stitchers can work together to try and find out who's the murderer by stitching towards a goal of 5000 stitches collectively. So far I'm staying alive! - Update, we did 2 rounds, the murderer was caught in the first round, and in the second round I was killed on the last day. 

SSS Around the World - China
1) Stitch 5000 stitches on anything for 1 entry into a draw - I stitched on Faery Tales for 4K and Mini Waterhole Master for the other 1000. 
1) Stitch 1000 stitches on anything related to China
2) Stitch 1000 stitches on anything with stars (China flag)
3) Stitch at least 1000 stitches on a peony
4) Stitch 1000 stitches on an animal you'd find in China
5) Stitch 1000 stitches on your longest WIP (for the Great Wall)

Choose My WIP - this is sort of a counting event. You put up 2 or 3 WIPs and people vote/like the one they want you to work on for the week. This is only for the month of January as far as I can tell. So far I've worked on Ocean Curiosity and Mini Waterhole Master. 


SSS Around the World - Haiwaii
1) Stitch 5000 stitches on anything
1) Stitch at least 1000 stitches on anything having to do with Haiwaii
2) Stitch at least 1000 stitches on a beach or sunset
3) Stitch at least 1000 stitches on anything resembling a string - for a string of islands
4) Stitch at least 1000 stitches on anything to do with surfing or waves
5) Stitch at least 1000 stitches on anything with at least 13,803 total stitches for Mauna Kea

Self Portrait -non-counting event to stitch on something every day for the whole month and with every daily progress pic, add a fact about yourself. I'm going to use Princess and the Dragon for this one.

Snowball Fight! - stitch 300 stitches on anything to earn a snowball. If you're hit with a snowball, stitch 100 stitches to heal yourself. No teams or anything, just a way to get some stitches in every day.

This or That? - Friend or Foe - choose a project that fits one category or the other and stitch as much as you can on it this month. No counting, just before and after photos. I'm going to use Siberian Forest since it was a foe with all the parking and colours, I haven't stitched on it since 2012.

JCS Stitch Along

Another brainchild of Jo, this is a low stress group where we choose an ornament to stitch every month. Join in as you can.

January - Moose Joy by Angel Stitchin'
stitched 2 over 2 on 28ct Tempest by Chromatic Alchemy with stash threads

February - Christmas Bullfinch by Punochka


  1. More complicated than the annual challenges, these will encourage you to work on a variety of WIPs, not just your new full-coverage ones. Maybe they'll help you finish a few during the year too. :)

  2. So confusing. Good luck though!


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

Here we are, almost a month into the new year, and as often happens, I've been able to get a fair bit of stitching in. We'll see how...