Friday, May 24, 2019

The Stitchy Quest to Destroy the One Ring Intro

Here I am, not content just to work on homework assignments from one FB stitching group, I've joined a second group!

If you're interested in LOTR and/or Hobbit stories, this is a good group for that! The group can be found here. There are some general ideas for the whole year or longer, as well as some homework assignments and it's been interesting so far. I'll go over the quests/tasks we have so far so you get an idea. 


This was the first task to allow the moderator/admin to get the group up and running. The Hobbit was published in 1937, so the idea is to stitch on whatever you like for 1937 minutes. I may have got there already, but I keep forgetting to update, so I've only put 700 minutes so far. 

The Hobbit: Quest #1

Our first book quest is to consider Hobbit things, and instead of a stitch count, we were to stitch for 2 hours per task. The first task was to take time to stitch on something that reminded you of a Hobbit hole, gardens, meadows, etc. I chose a new start, Evening in the Shire by Cute Patterns by Maria. It will eventually look like this:
and this is my start:
Evening in the Shire by Cute Patterns by Maria
stitched 2 over 2 as charted on 28ct Moonscapes by Jodyri

The second task was to think like a Took and stitch something completely different than standard x's. You could use special materials, specialty stitches, etc. I chose to pick up Fleur de Lys again:
Fleur de Lys by Brodeuse Bressane
Stitched 1 over 2 with Waterlilies on 32ct Weichelt linen

Thirdly, we were to spend 2 hours stitching on something that reminded us of a Hobbit, bright colours, happy thoughts, etc. I decided on another new start(!) because Heather (Confetti Stitcher flosstube, previously Fantasy Crosstitch blog I think?) showed the Universal Monsters SAL by Witchy Stitcher on her podcast and I had to start it. It's so cute!! 

These are the first 2 releases, the Phantom of the Opera and the Mummy:

I might omit the bloody mouth on the mummy, or #fancybandageman as some SAL'ers are calling him. This is my start:
Universal Monsters SAL by Witchy Stitcher
stitched 2 over 2 on 28ct Al's Dark Magic by Chromatic Alchemy

Intro to Gandalf

The second week of tasks involves Bilbo meeting Gandalf, the "good morning" adventures, quite humorous if you haven't read them, Bilbo not immediately recognizing Gandalf, and Gandalf scratching a symbol on Bilbo's door. 

Firstly, we were to stitch 250 stitches on something that reminds you of the morning, so any coffee drinkers were in luck, however, I really had to think about this one as I wasn't sure what might constitute "morning" vibes from my plethora of WIPs. In the end I chose:
April Flip-It by Lizzie Kate
Stitched 1 or 2 over 1 on 22ct ivory hardanger with stash threads. 

Another couple hundred stitches or less and this will be done! I shoe-horned it in by saying that birds are always singing to me when I leave for work in the morning. :)

Bilbo not recognizing Gandalf was a little more complicated. The prompt was to find something that you maybe passed over, or didn't think too much about at first, but now you must keep it in rotation, etc. For me, that is definitely Princess and the Dragon, so that moved on a little more to here:
Princess and the Dragon by Charting Creations
stitched 1 over 1 on 28ct Amarinthine by Chromatic Alchemy

In case you can't tell where I stitched, it's the arch under the Princess. And this one was one I'd thought about, but never really considered until I won the Amarinthine fabric from Sam. Then I knew this project needed to go on that fabric and I've stitched on it every year since I started. 

Finally, the easy one, was to stitch on something with symbols or letters. I pulled out Butterfly Quote again:
Butterfly Quote by Jodyri Designs
Stitched 2 over 2 on 14ct aida with Pink Laydee, Sparkling Citrine by Jodyri and Purple Iris? by WDW

There are other tasks to join in to now as well, including the Stitch to Mordor challenge, which is a spreadsheet all divided up with stitching/day travel with the Hobbit first, then LOTR. There's also the Walk to Mordor challenge, so you can get fit too, plus the Knit/Crochet to Mordor challenge! The last one, you add your yardage every week for how much you've knit or crocheted. I'm almost done another pair of socks, so I'll have to add one of the socks, although the other one was complete well before this group even started. 
Goneril by Liz Abinante
Mirasol sock yarn

And there you have it! If you like the idea of joining in, the link is here. It's a good group so far and I like that the challenges overlap. So I can add my weekly assignments into the grand Stitching for Mordor challenge overall. The new tasks start Saturday, so I'll try and post each week about them if anyone is interested, and a separate post for Magical Stitches since their tasks start Mondays.  

Happy Stitching!



  1. Nice socks, very cosy looking.

  2. More lovely projects and progress Tiffany. Love the socks.


  3. I love the LotR group - it has a much more casual vibe to it, which is great because I really couldn't handle another 'stressful' SAL! I only really joined now with task #3, so I'm glad they offer an option to 'catch up' on the ones I missed.
    I especially find the 'Stitch to Morder' challenge oddly motivating...I used to be glad not having to count stitches anymore after all my homework was done, but I guess I'm gotten so used to it now that I don't mind doing it all the time!

  4. Glad that you are enjoying the new group! I love the way they think up all the different challenges. And the way you shoehorn your projects in!

  5. Sounds like fun but I don't have enough time right now to focus on the rules. I love you posting all the information though. It's fun to follow along with your posts. Keep up that gorgeous progress.

  6. I second Katie's comment - I love these homework posts of yours and it looks like we're in for a double treat now you are attending two schools!
    I've seen the Shire series of charts and although I like the more colourful ones I also like the simplicity of the one you've chosen.
    Great work on other projects too. Looking forward to seeing what appears next! :)


Thanks for any comments!

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