Wednesday, July 3, 2019

School of Magical Stitches Year 4 Wrap-Up and Year 5, Week 1

Thank you Rachel for your good advice in finishing up Week 8 of Year 4. I appreciate it as it gave me some good ideas :).

If you want to check the post, I was missing a project for tasks 3, 5 and 6. For task 3 we needed to stitch on a gravestone or graveyard scene. I don't have one in current WIPs, and I found a good small I could start with an obvious tombstone in it.

Haunted House by Heart in Hand
stitched 2 over 2 on 18ct? aida with stash threads

For task 5, I needed to stitch something with an ingredient in polyjuice potion. Rachel's idea was to stitch on a person in one of my projects. I chose the girl in Full Moon as she's a witch too and moved it along to here (yes, you've already seen this photo)
Full Moon by Cute Patterns by Maria
stitched 2 over 2 as charted on 28ct Lazurite by Chromatic Alchemy

And for Task 6 we needed to stitch on something that makes us laugh. I was going to use Monsters again, but Rachel's comment about how I completely missed the door in Evening in the Shire made me pull that one out to put a little more work into it. :) 

Evening in the Shire by Cute Patterns by Maria
stitched 2 over 2 as charted on 28ct Moonscape by Jodyri

Thank you again Rachel for the help! I always appreciate assistance of any kind. 

Year 5, Week 1

At the opening of Book 5, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry and his cousin are attacked by Dementors. This week's tasks deal with the outcomes of that. 

Task 1 is to stitch 300 stitches on something boring because Harry's boring old babysitter turns out to be in the know of the magical world. I haven't decided on anything for this one yet, maybe Princess since there's a lot of filling in yet to do?

Task 2 is to stitch 300 stitches on something that has been suspended for 5 months or longer because there's some risk Harry will be suspended or expelled for doing underage magic, even though it was to protect both his and his cousin's life. I'm thinking about pulling out the AAN Maple Leaf for this one as it ties into the next task as well. It was last here in early 2018:
Maple Leaf by Alessandra Adelaide Needleworks
stitched 2 over 1 on 14ct unknown aida with WDW Blaze

Lastly, task 3 has us stitch 300 stitches on something without a face because the Dementors always hide their faces. The maple leaf would work for that as well and I'd get 600 stitches in which would get it well on its way to completion as well I think. 

If you have any other ideas, please let me know.

Happy Stitching!



  1. I'm glad Rachel was able to help you find pieces to complete your tasks and that you're still enjoying them.

  2. Awesome choices Tiffany. Glad Rachel could help.


  3. Haha! Glad to be of assistance, and glad you found a tombstone; that little design is so cute!
    'Boring' is difficult as if we found projects boring we probably either wouldn't stitch them or would have given up on them. However, as some would find a single colour 'boring' Princess or Maple Leaf are both good ideas, and if it gets you closer to a finish that's even better! :)

  4. I am totally loving the Maple Leaf design, Adelaide is such a wonderful designer.
    I do not stitch many Halloween designs( I already have too many) however I do like seeing what other people are stitching for Halloween.

  5. Greet news you could complete your tasks, blog friends are so helpful. Great stitching too.

  6. Well done Rachel for giving the help and advice needed. I'm a little behind on blog reading so no help at all!

  7. I've just been having a browse through your blog - hopped over from Clare-Aimetu. I love the Harry Potter and Hobbit challenges you are doing. They sound so interesting and so challenging also. I look forward to following along (a little belatedly!) x

  8. Rachel is sure a big help. Great choices and lovely progress. I agree with your first choice for the boring fill in work on Princess. Good luck on making good progress on the maple leaf.

  9. Those 'Something you haven't worked on in x months' tasks are killing me. At this rate I'll pull out everything I ever worked on eventually...which probably would be a good thing! Good choices and progress, I hope you got everything done in time.

  10. Great work on the tasks. Nice to see some teamwork going on too!


Thanks for any comments!

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