Saturday, September 4, 2021

2021 Tokyo Paralympics Stitching Challenge - slight delay

Hello all! I've had to put my challenge on pause for a couple days because the end of the week ended up with me falling into bed early with a migraine yesterday and it's still riding me roughly today. So no stitching possible yesterday or today. Hopefully tomorrow and Monday I'll catch up and finish. 

I did manage a very small amount of research into the next Paralympic event I was going to talk about, para-equestrian. It's also been a part of the Paralympics since Rome in 1960. As you might guess, this is the sport with the most injuries, not "murderball"/wheelchair rugby. The issue of course is having someone with limited mobility on a horse can lead to injury even more quickly than when an able-bodied person rides. A lot of the safety equipment is devised in such a way to keep the riders safe and not be dragged behind their horse, etc. Here's a little more info:

Outstanding right? And amazing these athletes can work so well with horses even with some limited mobility, especially in the legs. 

That's it though, no new stitching, although I do love the thread I have for October. It's called Fright Night and is gloriously full of colour. It's a long weekend here for Labor/Labour Day and I have Sunday and Monday off. Perhaps I'll manage to start the last 3 dragons and finish the start for each one. Wish me luck and good sleep. :) I'd mentioned work was a hassle this week and it only worsened throughout the week with poor sleep and increased stress. 

I hope none of you had stressful weeks and were able to get lots of stitching in!

Happy Stitching and stay well,



  1. I am so sorry you are having sleep issues from work, I have also, I volunteer at the local food shelf it has been horrible.
    I hope you week coming up is a better week for work and rest.
    I missed a some of the Para Olympics, I think I can recall them on Direct TV.
    I am looking forward to seeing your Fright Night stitch.


    1. I hope things have improved for you by now as well. It's an ongoing issue really. Thank you!

  2. Loved those Olympic/paralympic games, nice to be retired and then able to watch them on tv, give me energy with my wipolympics challenges in stitching. Bisous. xxx

    1. Thank you! It is great to watch them with stitching.

  3. Hope you're feeling better!
    Para-equestrian looks interesting, but I can imagine it's really dangerous. And I know there's been some debate this year about using horses in the Olympics at all!

    1. Definitely... it was a strange year for equestrian. Thank you!


Thanks for any comments!

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