Friday, December 31, 2021

2021 Wrap-Up, Man I Have A Lot of WIPs!

This year I went off the rails a bit on starts. There were a few reasons for this, one the end of Stitch Maynia by the people who started it off, Olympics and Paralympics and Mischievous March and Naughty November. I'm sure I snuck in a few other starts just for fun as well. The #nonewstarts group is never going to be one I'm up for, I enjoy starting things too much. 

Let's have a look at all the projects I started this year and please check out the WIPs or Completions page if you're interested in seeing any progress or finishes. 

1. Amazing Animal Kingdom by Aimee Stewart/HAED - 35802/374500 (9.56%)
2. Love by Durene Jones - completed
3. Canadian Hero by Stitching Jules Designs - 401/53850 (0.74%)
4. Mouse Trilogy Mill Hill 19-2013 - completed
5. Mouse Trilogy Mill Hill 19-2011 - completed
6. Blackwork Easter freebie - completed
7. Flower Pattern #1 - completed
8. Flower Pattern #2 - completed
9. Flower Pattern #3 - completed
10. Flower Pattern #4 - completed
11. Soccer Player by Handblessings
12. Christmas Assisi Sampler by Kincavel Krosses - completed
13. Shamrock by Erica Michaels - completed
14. Irish at Heart by Jennifer Akon - completed
15. Spring Hare by Erica Michaels - completed
16. Kathleen and Summer by Hannah Lynn/HAED - 550/200000 
17. Halloween Freebie by Passione Ricamo
18. Universal Monsters B&W by Witchy Stitcher
19. Easter Bunny and Moon by Chatelaine - completed
20. Stocking #1 by Jane Henderson
21. Stocking #2 by Jane Henderson - completed
22. Stocking #3 by Jane Henderson
23. Snowball Fight by Gitta
24. Oo-de-lally by Circus Stitches - completed
25. Deck the Halls Christmas Sampler by Kincavel Krosses - completed
26. Noel Tree by Kincavel Krosses - completed (and FFO!)
27. Samurai by Fire Wing Designs
28. Bibliophile Bookmark by Kincavel Krosses
29. Bibliophile Bookmark by Kincavel Krosses - completed
30. Joyeux Noel by Jardin Privé
31. Believe in the Magic of Christmas by Durene Jones
32. Assisi Tree (unknown designer)
33. Simply Christmas by Whispered by the Wind
34. Patch Christmas Tree by Angie Designer - completed
35. Christmas Birdhouse #1 by Durene Jones
36. Christmas Birdhouse #2 by Durene Jones
37. Stormlight Archive Quotes by Taylor and Cromwell - 6745/13532 (49.84%)
38. Holiday Quaker by Lila's Studio
39. Noel by Bent Creek
40. Ondulations by Jardin Privé
41. It's a Wonderful Life Mill Hill 14-2035
42. Symphonie Romana by Summer House Stitche Workes
43. Normal is Just a Setting on the Washer by Lizzie Kate
44. Pumpkin Patch by Lois Winston
45. Joyeux Noel #1 by Hands on Design
46. Joyeux Noel #2 by Hands on Design
47. Joyeux Noel #3 by Hands on Design
48. Winter Feast by Mill Hill
49. Zelda Cross Stitch 
50. Warm Winter Wishes by Waxing Moon Designs
51. Thistle Stop by Crossed Wing Collection
52. Hummingbird Garden by Crossed Wing Collection
53. Happy Christmas by Prairie Schooler
54. Motherhood by Selena French/HAED - 1955/58013 (3.37%)
55. Jim Shore Nordic Santa by Mill Hill 20-1911
56-67 - Dragons 1-12 by StitchItPicasso
68. Skating Snowman by Mill Hill 16-2133
69. Trick or Treat by Anne Stokes/Paine Free Crafts - 4531/126400 (3.58%)
70. Spring Snapperland by Bent Creek - completed
71. Cryptid SAL by Witchy Stitcher
72. Moonrise Ornament #1 by WBTW - completed
73. Moonrise Ornament #2 by WBTW - completed
74. Moonrise Ornament #3 by WBTW - completed
75. Moonrise Ornament #4 by WBTW - completed
76. Vermont Zentangle by crossstitch4everyone - 3109/23502 (13.23%)

WIPS carried forward and completed this year with the year they were started, if I could find it:
1. Dragon in the Round by point-de-croix (2015?)
2. Winter by Bent Creek (2019)
3. Full Moon by Cute Patterns by Maria (3/2018)
4. Princess and the Dragon by Charting Creations (8/2015)
5. Kiss for a Snowman by Dimensions(1/2016)
6. Blackwork Poppy by Jodyri (2019)
7. Loved You Yesterday by Cherry Hill Stitchery (2020)
8. Twilight Lemans by Heritage Stitchcraft (2/2016)
9. In the Gloaming by WBTW (2020)
10. Spooky Halloween by Durene Jones (2017)

There are also 43 other WIPs that were not completed this year, some weren't even worked on and some may never leave UFO status. So, let's do some math!

I have 49 WIPs left from 2021 from all the projects I started, plus the 43 I have listed in my WIPs page. There may be more somewhere that I've forgotten, but why don't we leave it at that since that's a grand total of 92!! Not quite triple digits either, just like Rachel. :)

That's actually less than I thought. I really thought I was over 100, but maybe finishing those last few before the end of the year helped get my numbers a bit lower. Perhaps that's why I had a bit of a frenzy to get those few finished. 

The New Year will bring at least one new start. Probably not tonight since I'm pretty tired after working, but I'll give you a little clue on what the fabric will look like. 

Any guesses? It's a companion piece to something I finished this past year. 

I hope you all have a very Happy New Year and may 2022 bring us some relief from the pandemic. 

Until then, at least there is cross stitch. Happy Stitching!



  1. Ooooh, I like lists!
    First of all, congratulations on all you DID achieve! There's quite a sea of red among all those new starts. OK, so your WIPs have more than doubled, but they'll go down bit by bit.
    The thought of you being a no-new-starter made me giggle! Cutting back, yes, but not going cold turkey!
    Good to see you're starting the new year off with a new start though. With gorgeous fabric like that I reckon it's another fairy tale silhouette to match Princess And The Dragon.
    Happy New Year!

    1. Exactly right! It's the sequel, Triumphant Ride. Thank you.

  2. Tiffstitch: I like the looks of the new fabric, nice color combination.
    You have been busy in the past year, nice work.

    Happy New Year

  3. I think you accomplished quite a bit last year. If I counted all of my WIPs, I'm sure I'd have at least as many as you do.

    1. Thank you! And you have so many nice small ones too.

  4. What a great year you've had. I'm making this year a Year of Focus but there will be a few new starts along the way.
    I agree with Rachel, a silhouette design. Maybe an Alice or a Cinderella?

    1. Thank you! Nice idea to focus on significant projects too. And yes, Triumphant Ride, the sequel to Princess and the Dragon.

  5. That's an impressive list of projects, congratulations on your finishes. Happy stitching in 2022

    1. Thank you! Happy New Year and hope 2022 brings you good health.

  6. Gosh, I think you actually have more WIPs than I do! :>) Loved seeing all of your finishes though. Nice work.

  7. Love your recaps. You are like me. If we want to start something we do. You got a lot done though so don't beat yourself up. Good luck in 2022!!

    1. Exactly! Life has enough hurdles and burdens without creating our own. Thank you! And I hope you have a good stitchy year as well.

  8. You have quite a few red ones which is a great way to end the year! Congrats on all your stitches.

    1. Thank you! I did get quite a few finished of all the new starts.

  9. You really had a great and productive year! I loved following all your starting binges, and I'm convinced you'll be able to finish a bunch of them this year as well.

    1. Thank you! There will be a lot fewer starts this year, which should help.


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

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