Monday, June 15, 2020

Spring Into Summer New Start Binge #11 - Visit Mordor

Hello everyone! I hope you've all had a good weekend and have been staying well. It's Monday, and time again to talk about my latest new start. Rachel and Annie are part of the craziness as well, so please check their blogs to find out their latest starts as well.

So, you know how I was being kind of smart about my new project choices and keeping them smallish? I fell into the Country Magic Stitch hole and decided I couldn't wait until starting one of the many interesting "travel" posters she designed. I don't know if I can admit how many I've purchased, but I started with this one:

Not to be an enabler (ha!), but she does have a sale at her site, not sure if it also translates to her Etsy site.

I debated a bit on fabric, and ended up choosing this one:
Visit Mordor by Country Magic Stitch
stitched 2 over 2 as charted on 28ct Britney Lugana Feronia by Chromatic Alchemy

I have some idea I could skip stitching the orange in the sky with this fabric, so I'll leave that till the end and decide how it looks. It might give it an interesting dimension. I wish these charts worked with Pattern Keeper, but they're captivating enough that I'm sticking with it. 

I also worked a bit on some other starts and have a couple finishes here:
 Lanarte Ballet Silhouette #2
stitched 2 over 2 on 28ct L'Amour with Hearts Ltd Edtn by Chromatic Alchemy

Wings and Things by Ink Circles 
stitched 2 over 2 with Dinky Dyes Down Under Blues and Kreinik
on 28ct Haunted (PTP?)

I need to update my page with all the finishes and changes, and I'm very happy with being able to continue on and get some finishes. Of course, this does mean a lot of my other WIPs aren't moving on very fast, but that's okay for now. 

Stay well, and happy stitching!



  1. Love the new start and fabric. Mordor looks like an interesting place to visit. Congratulations on the two finishes too. You're putting me to shame!
    So, I clicked on the link. There are some lovely charts but I resisted temptation, even of the HP ones! You need to tell me how many you couldn't resist purchasing though. :)

  2. Love your new start Tiff. I have those charts but haven't started them yet.


  3. I love LOTR and this chart is gorgeous! I would love to stitch a project with the LOTR-theme, but the charts I've seen so far a too big...

  4. Hi, Annie here again:D I had to check out the website and I love it! Finally LOTR-charts that I can imagine stitching:D! I'm extremely tempted to buy some...and it's all your fault! Still, thank you for the tips <3

  5. Great idea to leave the orange sky out and see how it looks, I think it might be lovely on the fabric you cleverly chose.

  6. Great work on everything. Love your new start. Rachel just forced me to buy the Toilet Paper Hoarding Dragon so I didn't look too hard at that link.

  7. Well, that took me down a rabbit hole and a half! Love those travel posters. And yes, she is doing the discount on her Etsy shop too.

  8. Uh oh, my son saw your Mordor photo and liked it! We'll watch yours grow for now. It would be perfect if you didn't have to stitch the orange sky.
    Your Ballet Silhouette is lovely and I love the Wings and Things!

  9. Great start, even if it might take a *little* longer. Such a shame her patterns don't work with PK, but I'll still need to buy a couple of them at some point...


Thanks for any comments!

February Update

Hello again! Here we are partway through March, so definitely time for a February update. I got a little behind in things after catching col...