Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Spring Into Summer New Start Binge #12 - Loved You Yesterday

Another weekend gone, and another new start! This weekend I picked one I had at least chosen fabric for, if not kitted up entirely.

Loved You Yesterday by Cherry Hill Stitchery

Please check out Rachel and Annie's posts for their new starts as well! We're all still keeping on, and there's only 5 weekends left. I think I might change up the last few and do Christmas in July starts. Still debating that for now though. 

It's stinky hot here this week, and I didn't get a lot of stitching done. We have an actual, literal heat wave. I didn't realize what the definition was, but it's over 90F for at least 3 days. We hit that already, which isn't a great sign for the rest of the summer. There was some idea this wouldn't be a hot summer, but that seems to be incorrect the way we're going currently. 

Here's where I managed to get to:
Loved You Yesterday by Cherry Hill Stitchery
stitched 2 over 2 on 14ct Damask aida by Silkweavers with stash threads

When I tried to find an online photo to use, I couldn't, so this chart may be OOP. I thought I bought it from 123stitch a couple years ago, so not too long, but maybe they've retired it. It didn't seem to exist on the Cherry Hill website. 

I plan to use random stash threads or the DMC if I don't have anything close. It's a good way to use up those bits of hand-dyed threads hanging around.:)

I hope you're all staying well and cool, unlike me. 

Happy Stitching!



  1. Too cute. Great new start. We had a lot of heat lately too here in Indiana. Today though the windows are open and it's actually chilly.

  2. What a cute project!
    As for hot, we can send you some Hungarian rain and wind, if you'd like to :)

  3. A little stitching is better then no stitching, nice start on your new design, this is such a sweet design.
    I used random threads often, it is rather fun to see what the design looks like in the end.
    Have a good week.


  4. Good progress and a cute project. Our heatwave is just starting here - I hope it gets a little cooler for you soon x

  5. That's a cute new start. It's rarely very hot here because of being so close to the sea. But today we decided to leave the daily walk until the evening as it was too hot earlier.

  6. Staying cool at the moment, but earlier in the week it was too hot!
    I love your start, that is an adorable piece.

  7. What? no finish this weekend??? Still, a lovely start and so typically you! :)

  8. What a cute start! Letters stitch up so quickly too.


Thanks for any comments!

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