Thursday, January 22, 2015

CJC Day 22 - Nora Corbett Letters From Nora - K and update on Bienvenue

Letter K is a gift for a great friend who passed along a ton of baby stuff for our daughter. I already have 'A' framed, and once I finish this I'll try and find a similar frame for K. These are the initials of her daughters. 

The finished product:

I have everything I need to stitch this exactly as charted. My fabric is a very similar colour, although I can't say exactly where I got it. 

I actually started this a while ago and got to here:

Then when I took the Qsnaps off I realized I'd rotated them 90 degrees and I was stitching in the wrong place entirely... I picked it all out the next day and restarted for tonight. 

This time I made double and triple sure I was stitching correctly by starting the border. I'm stitching on 28 count light sea foam green coloured fabric and I'm very much enjoying this chart. When I first picked it up all the colours made me a little wary until I realized how Nora Corbett uses variegated colours to great effect. 

I really hope to finish this one soon and it will be rotated back in soon after the end of January. 

Happy Stitching,


p.s. I'm this far on Bienvenue, almost there!


  1. Lovely stitching Tiffany.


  2. Wonderful stitching on both. I really felt for you about rotating the frame I know that I can relate to that as I'm sure other stitchers can too :)

  3. Thank you both, and yes, I don't think I'm the only one that's ever done it. I'm glad I didn't get too far before noticing.


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

Here we are, almost a month into the new year, and as often happens, I've been able to get a fair bit of stitching in. We'll see how...