Sunday, August 18, 2013

First post from Blogger!

So my old blog continues to be hacked, and since it's connected to DH's work websites it's affecting the whole system. DH will rebuild the server at some point, but until then I need a place to post my cross-stitch stuff, whether I'm getting much done or not. :)

This will be partly a late Turtle Trot post, although I again did not work on any of the 13 pieces I selected. With visiting family and friends and still moving into our new place, I just did not get a chance to pull out any of those WIPs.

I did work some more on Dog Lessons by Lizzie Kate. I'm stitching it on 32 count Dublin linen in sand colour I believe. I'm using all Weeks Dye Works and I adjusted the palette a bit to fit my preferences. Instead of Cocoa Bean from Crescent Dye Works, the even numbered rows of words are in WDW Moss. I'm folding the thread so it has less variegation showing through as well. I think everything else is the same though, just adjusting some colouring here and there through the work.

That's all for now, so happy stitching!


February Update

Hello again! Here we are partway through March, so definitely time for a February update. I got a little behind in things after catching col...