Friday, March 30, 2018

Easter Treasure Hunt Blog Hop 2018

It's that time again for the Easter Hunt Blog hop, hosted as always by the indefatigable Jo over at Serendipitous Stitching. If you're just starting out on the hunt, you may want to go to her page here and start at the beginning. If you're on the hunt already, here is your letter:

And your next letter can be found here:

I don't stitch many spring related things, but one of my favourites was this little one from last year:
Hop by LK on 28 ct Realgar by Chromatic Alchemy with stash threads

Happy Easter everyone!

Happy Stitching,


Thursday, March 15, 2018

Gifted Gorgeousness - March Edition

It's the 15th and I'm actually posting on time for once! Check out all the action at Jo's blog, there were a lot of us last month and I hope there are even more this month. Everyone has been working on so many different and exciting projects and my wish list is growing....

I had a lot of projects out last month for the Olympics and posted about them a little already. Here are some of them yet again just because. :)

See Ya Later Alligator by Jodyri - for DD
stitched on 28 ct Nuriel's Forest with some charted threads and wording in stash threads 

Maple Leaf by AAN - for SIL
 on Silkweaver? 14ct with WDW Blaze

Monochrome Link from Sprite Stitch - for DH
 2 over 1 on 18 ct? with charted threads
Tribal Dragon by WWS - for DD 
 stitched 1 over 1 on 25 ct pewter Lugana with Caron Wildflowers and Kreinik blending filament

Ballerina Dreams by Dimensions for co-worker
 stitched 2 over 1 on 18 ct Petra by Chromatic Alchemy

New start! Full Moon by Cute Patterns by Maria
stitched 2 over 2 on 28 ct Lazurite by Chromatic Alchemy

I recently discovered this designer and love some of her patterns so much! I think I bought 4 already.. whooops!

Knitted vest for DD- complete!
Skagen Shawl by Berroco for my Grandma
knitted on 4.5mm circular needles with Araucania Huasco fingering weight yarn

That's a lot of projects! And I'm disappointed that I'll be stopping Ballerina Dreams for now to try and finish a smaller project. I have an idea I'd like to find a silhouette of a singer with a microphone, but I've had no luck so far. Thank you all for your suggestions as well, I'm still determining what might be best for my friend. Please keep them coming!

Happy Stitching!


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Zodiac SAL - Pisces

It's time again to catch up on my SALs. First off, we have the Zodiac SAL hosted by the exuberant Jo over at Serendipitous Stitching. Check out all the information on this month's sign, Pisces, at her page

I dated a Pisces for a while and the description on Jo's blog doesn't really fit that person at all. I married a Sagittarius and that one does align really closely with DH's personality. I'm a pretty solid Virgo beyond the extreme cleanliness, although maybe someone that knows me well is a better person to ask about that.

I stitched on a lot of things last month, so let's see what I can shoe horn into fitting with Pisces, a Water sign represented by 2 fish. 

Snow Rules - because what does snow turn into when it melts? 
 Fishing - naturally
 Ocean Curiosity - I'm detecting a theme...
 Yesterday stitched on Eye of Newt - newts live near and around water
Fabric from Chromatic Alchemy called Poseidon ;)

And the new shawl has these ripples which look a fair bit like waves, don't you think? 
skagen shawl pattern by Berroco, yarn is Araucania Huasco I think

Apparently there were quite a few to show off this month. I hope you've all had a good month and please check out the other participants listed on Jo's blog. 

Happy Stitching! 


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

WIP Wednesday and a Difficult Decision

I've been wrestling with a decision over the last week or so. I thought I'd give it a few more days to see if I really needed to make the choice, and now I have. I've decided to give up on Ballerina Dreams for a finish by mid-June. I'm just not close enough to a finish. But I will post my update as this will go away for a bit. 

End of January
End of Feburary
and now:

There's definitely progress and it's somewhat sad to put it down before I even got to the Ballerinas, but I think it's for the best. 

So if anyone has any ideas on what to stitch for a 50 year old man who likes to wear bowties, works in the eye care business, has an English degree and loves theatre and has, an amazing singing voice, plus he has 2 awesome girls and an awesome wife, please let me know!

As far as other WIPs, the Skagen shawl is moving along as well:

But that's all I have to show for now!

Hope everyone is having a good week. We were supposed to get a nor'easter (read blizzard of massive proportions) but it's been downgraded, so we should get some snow, but not too much. 

Happy Stitching!


February Update

Hello again! Here we are partway through March, so definitely time for a February update. I got a little behind in things after catching col...