Thursday, January 31, 2019

Gifted Gorgeousness 2019 - January Edition

I'm late to the game this year, and hopefully can do better as the year progresses. As you likely know, this is the brainchild of the extremely well-organized Jo of Serendipitous Stitching. Check out her post and see everyone's beautiful work and how they've managed to shoe horn in different ways to "gift" stitching.

I'll keep this a little brief to try and get my post up before the linky widget closes and hope to get a few more posts scheduled today to go over my 2019 plans. I've been working on them, just not talking too much about them yet.

A Kiss For A Snowman (DD)

I hope to get this one finished this year, the top left is pretty much complete and soon the entire left side stitching will be done.


This is the ornament selected for the JCS Ornament of the month group that Jo also organizes on Facebook. This was a fun little stitch, and just took a few nights to stitch and finish. I think it will be a gift, so I'm showing it off here. :)

Animal Parade

My New Year's start was this one, which will also be for DD. Can anyone guess what animal this is? :) Hint - they're all found in Africa.

And for knitting,

Little Boxy

I'm getting the hang of knitting in the round now, round and round it goes for 8 inches, so it will be a while. The pattern is by Joji Locatelli and the yarn is Hedgehog Fibres out of Ireland. DD's favourite colour is still purple.

Socks for DD

These are plain old tubes without a heel as I've read that by the time kids wear out the heel section, their feet have grown. Without having to fiddle with a heel made this on fairly quick and I'm a good way along on the second sock as well. 

I hope everyone has had a good year so far!

Happy Stitching,


February Update

Hello again! Here we are partway through March, so definitely time for a February update. I got a little behind in things after catching col...