Monday, September 23, 2013

IHSW - September Edition

Finally I did some stitching! I worked a lot on my Mill Hill Buttons and Beads kit, Midnight Farm. I'm glad to get back to stitching for IHSW.

Here's my progress, and I did start it before this weekend, but I got a lot done Friday through Sunday since I had the weekend off.

And earlier this week I finished off Jack-A-Rachnid from the Sept/Oct edition of Just Cross Stitch. I really enjoy that magazine.

So lots of happy stitching time. Plus on Saturday I had our monthly stitching group at my LNS, The Whistling Duck and learned a lot more about finishing ornaments. There's a lot I didn't know, and I hope to show off some of my new knowledge when I finish the spider. And I think I might like to stitch another one too. It was fairly quick.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Happy Stitching,



  1. Midnight Farm looks great--and the spider is really cute!

  2. Great projects. That spider is very cool looking.

    1. Thank you! I was debating about changing the colourway and stitching him again.

  3. I love Midnight Farm and whilst I can appreciate your fine stitching - spiders gives me the willies! But well done on Jack-A-Arachnid!

    1. Thank you! Actually stitching him was a bit of a challenge, I'm not a big fan of spiders myself, but trying to get over my phobia. It helped stitching him out. :)


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

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