Wednesday, April 29, 2015

WIP Wednesday

Thank you very much everyone for your well wishes. My shoulder is mostly better. It was almost 100% until I read to DD this evening and didn't realize I was contorting myself until it started to ache. I'll take it easy again and make sure I get to 100% before I do that again. 

I managed to finish the greenery on K and start on the arms. 

The little crosses are for beads. I'm still debating about picking up White Wolves or completing this one. I would really love to finish White Wolves at this point and it's definitely calling the loudest. It would be extremely satisfying to complete my oldest WIP/UFO. 

I hope everyone else has had a good week and stayed healthy!

Happy Stitching,


Monday, April 27, 2015

Progress Slowed

I managed to pull one of the muscles in between my neck and my shoulder and that's slowed things down a little. I had hoped to finish the greenery over the weekend on K, but I'm still working on it. 

I'm improving slowly and not stitching much to make sure I don't aggravate the muscle strain. Frustrating, but things could be worse. I'm still debating on if I'll stick with this or change over to White Wolves again. We'll see how the week goes. 

Thanks for looking and as always for your comments!

Happy Stitching, 


Saturday, April 25, 2015

A Little More and Apology

Thank you everyone for your comments. For some reason my replies aren't showing up. I think Linda was having the same issue at one point, so hopefully I can figure it out as well. 

My migraine was mostly better the next day and 100% better the day after. I was careful and didn't stitch more than one thread to be safe and not extend it out any longer. 

I did manage a little bit more on K even with family visiting this weekend. 

I'm enjoying the Crescent Colours threads very much. This is the first time I've stitched with them and they're a breeze so far. I think the variegated colour works well. I was afraid when I first picked up the chart that it was full on confetti, but the use of the hand-dyed floss has made this fairly easy. I hope I'm not sidelined again and can get this done soon. I hope to pass it on to a good friend that was very helpful when I had my daughter. 

Again, thank you for your comments and I apologize for not being able to reply to them in the comments section! Happy Stitching and hope everyone has a good weekend,


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

More Crazy January Challenge Project Progress

Although I'm really enjoying White Wolves right now and have progressed well, I decided to dig out Nora Corbett's Letters From Nora - K to work on. 

It hasn't been touched since I started it in January and I hope to give it to a friend soon, so I'd like to get some more work done on it. It turned out that DD went to bed early and DH needed the computer, so I spent a lot of time on this one to get to here:

I'm very pleased with my progress, only I worked a little too much on it and ended up with a really bad migraine the next day. So I'll have to make sure I either don't stitch that long in one stretch or I take some ibuprofen before bed. That was pretty rough. I'm still feeling some effects today after basically having to spend all of yesterday in bed. 

I hope everyone else has had better luck with their stitching and health.

Happy Stitching,


Monday, April 20, 2015

IHSW - April Conclusion

It was a great weekend for IHSW. I had to work, but Friday I managed some cleaning before sitting and stitching for quite a while. 

I finished the last letter in my Alphabet Bears:

And here they are all in a row:

They already have a place on our photo wall. 

I also worked a fair bit on White Wolves and have managed to complete more of the top. I think I'd like to complete everything that is not the last wolf and then take a break for a bit. A few more days or perhaps a week might get me there. 

It almost feels like a puzzle right now and I'm just trying to get in the last few pieces. :)

I also took one night to finish a blackwork tulip by Jodyri Designs as a thank you for friends. I plan to make it into a card. 

I hope everyone had a great hermitting weekend!

Happy Stitching,


Thursday, April 16, 2015

Only One Left!

I finished another Alphabet Bear square last night and started on the last one. 

Almost done! I can't wait to get them up as well. We have a photo wall with photos of DD and all of us, so I think I'll put them above the photos. 

Thanks for all your wonderful comments!


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

4 Down, 2 to Go - Alphabet Bears

Since I picked up the necessary threads at Battenkill Stitchery I've been itching to finish off my Alphabet Bears. I had 3 finished before I ran out of thread:

And now I've done #4. I finished this one last night, but a busy morning and work meant no time to post until now. Like the others, the bear is in WDW Angel Hair and Bright Leaf and the letter is an unknown Dinky Dyes from an Oops pack. Backstitch with DMC 3371.

I can't wait to finish the other 2, although that may not be until the weekend. And that reminds me, it's IHSW this weekend! Go visit Joyce's site and sign up to join in the stitchtastic weekend. :)

Happy Stitching, 


Sunday, April 12, 2015

Done!! - WW Tribal Basset

I finished tonight after modifying the jowls, and adding a row to the nose. I will add text, but that will take some figuring out of fonts, size, etc., so for now he's done!

The original pattern:

My modifications to make him more like Otto:

As you can tell, I haven't ironed him yet, but he is finished! I think the few changes make him seems much more like my Otto and that makes me happy. 

I also had some time to add a few stitches to The Good Life. I planned to turn the tip of the tail white instead of the charted brown and made a start here:

So even though I had to work all weekend, I had enough stitching time to be happy. :)

I hope everyone had a great weekend, and happy stitching,


Almost Another Finish!

With a little luck I'll have the stitching on WW Tribal Basset complete tonight. I am going to add the dates for Otto, so that will take a little longer, but he's almost done!

Happy Stitching,


Friday, April 10, 2015

Turtle Trot - April Edition

Today is Turtle Trot time again! We're hosted by the amazing Claudette at BAP Attack who still has new starts. She's up to 190 now I think? I'm very impressed by her organizational skills. My 30 starts are already disorganized and have gone missing for a day or two before I remember which "safe place" they ended up in. I can't imagine having almost 200 new starts, not to mention the other WIPs. 

As always, you can check my Turtle Trot updates on my page, and I'll list last month's progress on the 10th of each month. 

1. WW Tribal Basset - I made a lot of progress on this one recently and I'm hoping for a finish soon! It started here:
And now I'm here:

Only his head to go and I hope to finish by April 20, one year after our basset died. I'm still debating whether I want to add his dates or name on it or just leave it as is. I modified the chart slightly to make the back foot smaller and the front foot larger than charted. That fits with our basset better than the original design. 

4. The Good Life - started here: (creepy)
and finished here, less creepy now

5. Wish started here:
and is now finished!

7. White Wolves started here:
and I had to move the Qsnaps so you can see the left side is almost complete:

9. Tribal Dragon was left here in January:
and more dark blue was added:

That makes 5/10 worked on this month. That's a fair bit better than last month and I hope to work on even more this month. 

I hope everyone had a great month and I'll look forward to checking out your progress. 

Happy Stitching,


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A Review!

I enjoyed stitching Squiggle Tree so much that I wrote a review on Cross Stitch Review. I'd encourage anyone who wants to share a favourite chart with other stitchers to ask Mel, our friendly host, to send them the template. 

The template makes it easy to write up a review for any chart. She's very helpful about filling in little details like cost, etc. so give it a shot!

Happy Stitching,


Monday, April 6, 2015

Busy Weekend of Stitching!

We had a snowstorm Saturday morning, so that put the Easter Egg hunt out. Fortunately DD is too young to really get it and maybe next year the winter won't last so long or Easter will be later in the year. 

I managed a pretty decent amount of work on WW Basset. It started here:

And I got all the way to here: (I just noticed how crooked this photo is, ignore that for now please!)

I modified the chart a bit for the front and back paws. I wanted the front paw to look larger than it did in the original pattern and the back paw to be smaller. The original looks like this:

I wanted this to have a more similar appearance to Otto, our beloved basset that died almost one year ago. I have a goal of April 20 to finish it, which would be one year after he died. It's not a big deal if I don't, but it would be nice to finish it and that would be a good day. 

I also plan on modifying the jowel so it's a little larger like Otto's was. Here's a photo so you can see what I mean about his jowels. I think a little more droop is in order. :) 

I hope everyone had a great weekend, whether you celebrated Easter or Passover or nothing at all. 

Happy Stitching!


Saturday, April 4, 2015

YOTA SAL - April

I'm determined not to be late this month, so I wrote this post up yesterday. :) I was fortunate to have the day off and have enough time to write yesterday afternoon. 

The YOTA SAL is hosted at Pull the Other Thread and I hope you check out everyone's progress on their acronyms (WIPs, BAPs, UFOs, etc.)

Again I only worked on White Wolves which has progressed from here:

to here:

I've set is aside again for a while to finish WW Tribal Basset if I can stick with it. I'm please with my progress on this one since I also managed to get a lot of the backstitching finished on the branches and twigs. 

I may or may not dig out something new for next month, we'll see how well WW Basset comes along. I hope everyone had a great month of stitching!

Happy Stitching,


February Update

Hello again! Here we are partway through March, so definitely time for a February update. I got a little behind in things after catching col...