Friday, April 10, 2015

Turtle Trot - April Edition

Today is Turtle Trot time again! We're hosted by the amazing Claudette at BAP Attack who still has new starts. She's up to 190 now I think? I'm very impressed by her organizational skills. My 30 starts are already disorganized and have gone missing for a day or two before I remember which "safe place" they ended up in. I can't imagine having almost 200 new starts, not to mention the other WIPs. 

As always, you can check my Turtle Trot updates on my page, and I'll list last month's progress on the 10th of each month. 

1. WW Tribal Basset - I made a lot of progress on this one recently and I'm hoping for a finish soon! It started here:
And now I'm here:

Only his head to go and I hope to finish by April 20, one year after our basset died. I'm still debating whether I want to add his dates or name on it or just leave it as is. I modified the chart slightly to make the back foot smaller and the front foot larger than charted. That fits with our basset better than the original design. 

4. The Good Life - started here: (creepy)
and finished here, less creepy now

5. Wish started here:
and is now finished!

7. White Wolves started here:
and I had to move the Qsnaps so you can see the left side is almost complete:

9. Tribal Dragon was left here in January:
and more dark blue was added:

That makes 5/10 worked on this month. That's a fair bit better than last month and I hope to work on even more this month. 

I hope everyone had a great month and I'll look forward to checking out your progress. 

Happy Stitching,



  1. Wonderful progress on all of these pieces Tiffany.


  2. Terrific job, Tiffany :-) The "creepy" sleeping puppy made me laugh! Congrats on the finish!

  3. Oh congrats on your finish!!!
    Wonderful stitching!


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

Here we are, almost a month into the new year, and as often happens, I've been able to get a fair bit of stitching in. We'll see how...