Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Gifted Gorgeousness - September Edition

Come one, come all to this month's edition of Gifted Gorgeousness! Time to show off those projects we're stitching as gifts, or received as gifts, or any way you can shoe horn "gift" into the post. :) As always, please check out everyone's posts over at our supremely organized host's blog, Jo at Serendipitous Stitching.

This month I did manage another finish, and I stitched a fair bit on some of my other projects too, so hopefully there will be more finishes to share this year.

Let's begin!

Joy Snowglobe - for Grandma?
 Joy Snowglobe by Dimensions
stitched as charted with included threads on plastic canvas

 Mystery pattern by Steotch, free if you join a group, so a gift from the designer. This is turning into some kind of Golden girls thing which I'm so uninterested in, so I've given up stitching it for now. 

Ocean Curiosity - DD
 Ocean Curiosity by Who Knew?!?
stitched on 18ct aida with WDW Michael's Navy

Butterfly Quote - DD
 Butterfly Quote by Jodyri Designs
stitched 2 over 1 on 14ct aida with mostly Jodyri threads and one WDW

Princess and the Dragon - DD
Princess and the Dragon by Charting Creations
stitched 1 over 1 on 28ct Amarinthine by Chromatic Alchemy with DMC 310

I can't even tell you how exciting it is to have that side of the cave completed! I think I will try and continue on a bit upwards, after I check where the pages are at, as it's nice to do the filling, and maybe that would be good to do on the dragon as well if I want to move back over to the right. The initial idea I had was to move up to the top left corner as I prefer to start there in general, but wanted to make sure I hadn't counted incorrectly, so I started this one in the middle way back when. 

I hope you've all had a good month, and thank you as always for your encouraging comments!

Happy Stitching!


Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Fully Finished Gallery SAL - September Finishing Frenzy

It's the 10th of the month, so check out Rachel's blog to see all her lovely finishes and the link up for everyone else's.

I had today off, and it was a school day, so I drove off to the local ReSource (Habitat for Humanity thrift shop) and Goodwill stores. I found all I wanted at the first ReSource store, 3 canvases and one rectangular frame. I decided to stop there for now and finish with the materials I had instead of collecting finishing materials as well as finishes.

As an added precaution, I actually measured the size of each finish in my drawer of shame finishes, so I knew what I was looking for and what might work. In the end I have 4 finishes to show you. One was finished before partly, but not fully complete and hanging up.

If you've picked yourself up from your chairs in shock at all these finishes, here's the photos! :)

 Somebunny from WOXS 
Stitched 2 over 2 as charted on 28ct Aether by Chromatic Alchemy

 I Love You More Today by Jodyri Designs
stitched 2 over 2 with stash threads on 28ct Eye of Newt by Chromatic Alchemy

Canada Mandala by Ink Circles
stitched 2 over 2 with Ruby Slippers by Jodyri on 28 ct ivory fabric 

Dog Lessons by Lizzie Kate
stitched 2 over 2 on 28ct beige fabric with some thread changes and modified the dog to look more like our dearly departed basset hound. 

The bottom 2 are already hanging up in the house and Somebunny might be a birthday gift for DD, and I Love You More for DH's birthday in a few months. 

Happy Stitching and thanks again for the inspiration Rachel!


February Update

Hello again! Here we are partway through March, so definitely time for a February update. I got a little behind in things after catching col...