Saturday, February 1, 2020

People's Choice SAL - February 2020 - Penguins

It's the first Saturday of the month, so time to post about what people have chosen for this month's topic. And this month, you chose:

At first thought, I didn't think I'd stitched anything with penguins on it ever. And that is technically true, but I do have at least one WIP with penguins. Last year I started Winter by Bent Creek for a #teamjodryi challenge and I even forgot to put it in my WIP page! That is now corrected, and here is what it will look like, and my progress:

Winter by Bent Creek
 stitched 2 over 2 on 28ct Feldspar by Chromatic Alchemy

And one of the Frosty Friends will be a penguin, this is what it will look like and my progress:

Just a little ways to go on this one...

As for stash, apparently I need to get stitching some penguins!

Durene Jones Christmas characters:

and one Charting Creations RAK:

Charting Creations charts do work in Pattern Keeper, so this might be a fun one if I chose the right fabric and don't have to do all the background work. :) PK makes that easy because you can sort of pre-fill in the squares to see how it all looks. 

And there are tons of other penguin charts out there, some realistic if that's more your style, so please check out everyone else's and Jo's post over at her blog

Happy Stitching!



  1. Thanks for taking part in The People's Choice this month. You did find some cute penguins for us! Christine will love this post.

  2. These are super cute! I just tried Pattern Keeper with my Charting Creations Fractal White Tiger. I love the app! Happy Stitching!

  3. I just realized that I've stitched a few penguins as well. Some of those Dureen Jones ones are in my stash as well.

  4. Oh my goodness the penguin is adorable and perfect for February, I like the Winter design you are working on, the fabric you chose is lovely.
    Here in Minnesota it has been mild the last week in the 40s today.
    I stitched a penguin a few years ago it had lots of red on it but still one of my favorite ornaments.
    All the designs displayed are so sweet.


  5. Plenty for you to choose to start in the future (and plenty for Christine to add to her list - I once stitched a penguin for her in an exchange)

  6. Looks like you're going to have plenty of stitching to do, and a good start on a couple of them. I just finished "Mares Eat Oats", and you can see it over on my blog at I would love to have you as my newest follower! Keep up the great stitching young lady. I love seeing your finishes.

    1. I already follow your blog, and thank you for letting me know you've finished. Thanks!

  7. Cute penguins! Thanks for sharing.

  8. That's a great collection of penguins, very cute

  9. Wow! You found lots of penguins after all!

  10. I also severely lack pinguins in my WIPs oand finishes, but you found a couple great ones!

  11. So many lovaly patterns, can't wait to see your Frosty friend in progress. xxx

    1. Thank you! That is low down on the WIP list, don't hold your breath! :)

  12. OMGoodness, so many cute penguins! I think I've only stitching one, but I see lots here that I'd love to stitch.

  13. Yes, technically you haven't stitched any penguins but you have at least started a tummy on the gorgeous Bent Creek design! Hopefully you'll be able to get back to that and some of your stash soon. :)


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

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