Monday, April 20, 2020

Spring Into Summer New Start Binge #3 - Love You to the Moon

The craziness continues this week with another new start from both Rachel and myself. If you caught last week, she started a really cute bird chart and this week is another one, so please check out her post as well.

This week I chose to start another small one, Love You to the Moon by Waxing Moon Designs:
This was another one I purchased from a stitcher destashing, the same one that had the Whispered by the Wind charts (In the Gloaming) and it also came already kitted up:
PTP 28ct Cashel Crystal Mirage
CC Snips and Snails, Crushed Pineapple, Pixie Dust and Hydrangea

Although this fabric is absolutely gorgeous, it was awful to work on. Because it was so dark, and linen, it was impossible to tell where the holes were. I ended up off half a stitch several times, and frogged a few sections of this. I ended up having to stitch basically holding it up straight with my Ott light behind it so I could see the holes. This was a much more awkward stitching position than usual, and I decided to persevere and finish this as I was unlikely to "feel" like taking it out again. Also, it was 3 strands over 2 threads, and I don't know if that made it more unwieldy as well?

So it is done!
Love You to the Moon by Waxing Moon Designs
stitched 3 over 2 on 28ct Cashel linen Mirage by PTP
as charted with CC Snips and Snail, Crushed Pineapple, Pixie Dust and Hydrangea

 I received quite a large piece of this fabric and I'm deciding if I will give it away or see if I can come up with a better way of stitching on it. It is so pretty. But may not be worth it to try and stitch on it again. I definitely prefer evenweave and aida to linen. 

Other Spring into Summer WIP Progress:

I managed to almost finish one full page (of 2) on In the Gloaming before putting it away. I really do like the new combo I tried. 
In the Gloaming by Whispered by the Wind
stitched 2 over 2 on 28ct evenweave PTP Mirage
with DMC 167, 738, 3823, and 3866 changed from the original colours

The moon and birds are as charted, although I added one strand of PTB 04 to the darker grey (168?) to give the moon a little shine. Rachel's idea, and I loved it! We're also thinking of using 3799 Etoile on the gate. I don't have any, so will order some to be ready for the next time I get this one out. 

I hope you all had a good stitchy week!

Happy Stitching,



  1. I hate stitching on dark fabrics, too - so annoying! I love In the Gloaming and can't wait to see more progress on it.

  2. I also prefer evenweave and/or Aida. Congratulations on actually finishing this piece.

  3. Sure a beautiful fabric and the finish is adorable. I agree with you though on linen. I can stitch on it but sure don't enjoy it as much. Great progress on Gloaming too. Keep up that gorgeous stitching.

  4. That is a gorgeous fabric but the sparkle can make it harder, especially using three strands! At least you persevered and got the whole thing done in one weekend. Cause to celebrate!
    I did have a new start on black but forgot to include it in my post. Oops.

  5. Well done on completing 'to the moon', linen can be so frustrating to stitch on.
    Gloaming is growing well.

  6. Oh my black fabric is not my favorite, I need to use a lite under the fabric which can be annoying, I do like the design.
    Nice progress on Gloaming.
    Stay healthy


  7. I love the idea of this New Start Binge! I can think of MANY charts that would be suitable, haha:D. And we can never have to many starts :D

  8. What a great start, and finish! I love those threads but can see how the fabric was difficult. Hopefully you'll find out a ways to work on it more comfortably.

  9. Wow to not only a new start but a finish too! It's absolutely gorgeous and I'm sure DD will adore it. I tried linen once - never again - so extra admiration for persevering with the fabric!
    In The Gloaming is looking great too. No, I'm not jealous that you've managed to get so much done! :)

  10. Oooh, I LOVE your To the Moon and Back, it looks fantastic!
    Maybe try stitching with a white towel or fabric on your lap? I find that helps a bit.
    Great colours in Gloaming, it's coming along nicely.


Thanks for any comments!

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