Monday, January 18, 2021

Mid January Update

 Hello from wintry New England in the USA! We had a beautiful snowfall over Saturday night and woke up to this loveliness on Sunday. The quiet was still present as well, so it was quite a nice morning. The roads were clear, so driving to work wasn't an issue either. 

I've been working a lot on my New Year New Start, Amazing Animal Kingdom by Aimee Stewart. Eventually it will look like this:

and so far I only have almost the first page on the top left complete:

Amazing Animal Kingdom by Aimee Stewart
stitched 2 over 1 tent stitch as charted
on 32ct evenweave experiment by Chromatic Alchemy

My relatively fluid plan for 2021 is to try and stitch 2000 stitches on this BAP once per week, and then on a different WIP once a week so that they all get some work on them. I didn't manage it the first week, too much national stuff going on, in fact I don't think I stitched on 3 days out of that week? It was a rough one. I won't say I've entirely recovered, but I did manage to start a new one for Valentine's Day, and that seemed to help my stitching bug recover a bit:
Love by Durene Jones (FB Freebie)
stitched 2 over 1 as charted 
on 14ct silver perforated paper

This past week was a little better and I pulled out 2 WIPs to finish:

Winter by Bent Creek
stitched 2 over 2 with stash threads, mostly WDW and some DMC
on 28ct Feldspar by Chromatic Alchemy

I have no particular plans for this one, it's very cute and might fit easily in a 5x7 frame, or maybe I could try another flat fold? 

The second finish was this little dragon I've been draggin' around for several years now. It was a free chart from a French site, Lud In the Mist and is called Petit Dragon Rond:

Petit Dragon Rond by Lud-in-the-Mist
stitched 2 over 1 with Caron Waterlilies Holiday
on 14ct gold sparkle Aida

My other exciting news was my custom knitting/stitching bag arrived! I saw a bag on Roladex Stitcher's Flosstube and looked at the options the seller makes. You pick your own custom fabric and she turns it into amazing bags. The construction is really well done and I look forward to using this for a good long while. I chose the style called double flip, because it has 2 high zippered pockets (one for knitting, one for stitching) and the central section has pockets, including a zippered one for keys, pocketbook, etc.

I'm sure you're all surprised by the pattern I chose. :D Hockey, maple leafs, what's not to love?

The in between section with the long pockets on either side

And the seller also included a booksleeve for DD, to match her new bag:

This will be DD's first real purse, and it's so well constructed, I think it will survive for several years, possibly farther out than she will still like the pattern? It's really pretty and DD hasn't seen it yet, it will be a surprise later in the year. 

If you have any interest in looking into custom bags for yourself, the seller is Jasmine Ravenclaw, and she has Instagram, but no Etsy store, etc. at this time. 

I think they were very reasonably priced, and the product is really outstanding. 

And that's the year so far. The inauguration of President-Elect Joe Biden will be this coming Wednesday and I just hope it all goes smoothly. Still debating on if we'll watch it on TV or not given little eyes and ears that will also be watching. 

Stay well and Happy Stitching!


Tuesday, January 5, 2021

WIP Wranglers Wrap-Up (Photo Heavy)

 And here we are to wrap up the last challenge of 2020, WIP Wranglers. This was a fun one, and I enjoyed getting some stitches into so many projects, even if I didn't get any finished. I did get a lot of them much closer to a finish, so that's something. 

We were at Loved You Yesterday at the end of the last post, so here was 1000 stitches added:

Loved You Yesterday by Cherry Hill Stitchery
stitched with stash threads
on 18ct damask aida by Silkweaver

There's an elephant on the other side of the quote, and some words at the bottom, but again, this should only take a few days to finish. 

Spooky Halloween was up next. A lot of the house from part 5 added for the 400 stitches needed:
Spooky Halloween by Durene Jones through Lakeside Needlecraft
stitched 2 over 2 with DMC 310, Jodyri Purple Planets and GITD Kreinik
on 28ct Icarus by Chromatic Alchemy

This one will show up again later!

Another project I've already stitched on showed up again, Butterfly Quote, for another 600!
Butterfly Quote by Jodyri 
stitched 2 over 1 with mostly Jodyri threads, Sunshine State currently
on 14 ct fabric 

This won't be a quick finish, probably a couple weeks, so this won't be on the quick-finish list for next year. It's a fun one though, and I'm looking forward to completing it. 

Finally rolled another new one, this is Blackwork Poppy that had 200 added to it:
Blackwork Poppy by Jodyri
stitched with DMC 310 over 1 on 1
on 18ct Galaxy by Jodyri

I feel like a couple days of good stitching could finish this one off as well. It's charted in red for the poppy, but I thought the fabric had enough reds that I'd stitch it all in black. The center is supposed to have green, so maybe a dark green would work, like DMC 890? Or WDW Okefenokee?

And here's Spooky Halloween for another 300:

Part 5 is almost complete now. The funny part about this one I stitched this while we introduced DD to The Princess Bride. Here's one of my favourite photos of her experience:
Note the blanket's proximity to her eyes so she can hide under it :)

Another WIP I hadn't stitched on yet was rolled next, Do Not Meddle for 200:
Do Not Meddle by Dragon Fire Designs
stitched as charted 1 over 1
on 28ct Monaco

This one shows up in a bit again as well. :)

My very first WIP that was rolled got rolled again, and Frosty Friends 1 came out for another 500 stitches!
Frosty Friends 1 by Dimensions
stitched as charted over 1
on 16ct kit fabric

That wasn't quite enough stitching to finish this one, but it's really close now. Probably 2 days knowing how much backstitch there is, not just 1 to get this one finished. 

One of the larger WIPs I'd chosen was rolled next, Magical Arrival for 400
Magical Arrival by HAED
stitched 1 over 1 full cross as charted
on 25ct magic guide evenweave

This is a longer term project, definitely not a finish any time soon, especially if I'm going to spend a lot of time on Animal Kingdom. 

Another fun one was rolled next, Evening in the Shire for 600!
Evening in the Shire by Cute Patterns by Maria
stitched as charted with full cross and half cross and backstitch
on 28ct Moonrise by Jodyri

So much backstitch! And this one shows up again in a bit. ;)

At this point I think there were 3 projects that still hadn't been rolled, fortunately I did roll another new one next, Full Moon for 400:
Full Moon by Cute Patterns by Maria
stitched as charted over 2 
on 28ct Lazurite by Chromatic Alchemy

I think this one might still need a week. A lot of these projects have blends, backstitch, etc. and they're a little longer than they seem. Fortunately they do work in PK, so I know I have about 1700 cross stitches left, plus backstitch after that. 

Another untouched one came next, and this has been untouched for a while, Snow Guide for 200:
Snow Guide by Lizzie Kate
stitched 2 over 1 with stash threads
on 14ct aida

This one will show up again soon!

And I think the last untouched one was rolled next, Frosty Friends 2 for 200:
Frosty Friends 2 by Dimensions
stitched 2 over 1 as charted 
on 16ct kit aida

Still a long way to go on this one, and I think Katie warned me these aren't as quick as they look. :)

I had touched all 20 WIPs by now, so I'm not sure if you could stop here, but I thought I'd see if I could roll them all a second time before the end of the year. If you looked at the top list, you'll note I didn't quite manage it. 

Animal Parade was rolled next for 600 stitches:
Animal Parade by Lanarte
stitched 1 or 2 over 1 with kit threads on kit fabric

There's a long, long way to go on this one. A giraffe is to the right of the elephant and I think there's a lion and an ostrich to the left of the rhino, plus most of the rhino to stitch, so this won't be done any time soon. It was nice to get it out to work on a bit though. 

Do Not Meddle was rolled again next for 100 stitches:

If anyone remembers, I am stunt stitching this for someone else. I would really love to get this one finished this year and get it mailed out. I definitely made some good progress last year and getting the first dragon complete, and the words are definitely reachable for this year, and a stretch goal would be to finish the whole project. 

Only 2 left!!

Snow Guide was rolled again for 100:

I may or may not put the bottom motifs in. I had chosen this fabric way back before I had such a large stash, and it's a little tight on the margins if I include those. I'll likely finish off the top and see what I'm willing to try before attempting the bottom. This is another one that should only take a few days to finish. 

And last, but not least, Evening in the Shire was rolled again for 300 stitches!

It's not exactly a mirror, but the right side is similar to the left, with another bit of the house and a lot of backstitch. I think this will be more than a week to finish as well. 

And that's it! Lots of WIPs worked on and lots that are really close to finishing. I'm looking forward to seeing what I can finish in 2021 and hope to work on at least one a week. 

I hope you're all staying safe and have a successful 2021!


Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year! 2021


We made it! 2020 is officially over and let's hope 2021 can be better. I'd love to be able to see family again, it's been about 11 months since we've seen anyone in person. I know it will still be a few months, but there's some hope ahead, and that's something. 

I started off the New Year ambitiously with a start on this one:

I decided to stitch on 32 count since I had a piece the right size and I'm going to do tent stitch to theoretically finish this in my lifetime. 

(I'll pause for you to finish laughing!)

So here's about 870 stitches so far:

You can start to see the outline of whatever animal that is in the top left corner and the first book is starting to be outlined as well. I won't mind getting into something that's not green soon. Although there's also a little 310 of course. 

I hope you all had a Happy New Year! I'll post on the finish of WIP Wranglers early next week as well. 

Stay well, and Happy Stitching!


February Update

Hello again! Here we are partway through March, so definitely time for a February update. I got a little behind in things after catching col...