Monday, March 22, 2021

Mischievous March Start #3

Here we are, over halfway done! Remember to sign up over at Rachel's blog and check out everyone's great progress and stash enabling starts. :) 

This week I chose another Mill Hill kit from the same series as last week. Here's what it will look like eventually:

And I stuck with similar colours instead of sticking with a Facebook challenge this week, so I ended up with over 500 stitches into this one:

MH19-2011 Patsy Pine by Mill Hill
stitched as charted 3 over 1 with kit threads and fabric, plus a few beads already

I still have some hope these won't take too long to finish since there's not a lot of beading and there are large groups of colours. Patsy is a little darker shade then in the kit because I misread the directions on the thread blends. I think she looks fine though, even if they're always a little creepy without eyes. 

Hope you've all had a good week!

Stay well and Happy Stitching!



  1. She looks great! I got another mouse made this weekend.

    1. Excellent! Those are really cute. Thank you. :)

  2. Tiff: This an adorable design, I do like adding beads to a design.
    I like the color, yes some designs do look creepy until eyes are added.
    Have a beautiful week


    1. Thank you! I hope you had a good week as well.

  3. Another cutie! And as it says 'mouse trilogy' I'll venture I guess for your last weekend start...


Thanks for any comments!

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