Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Smalls SAL - January 2024

The smalls SAL is now hosted by Rachel over at Ten Hour Stitcher, so you can find the link-up post on her blog. I have enough smalls that I should be able to finish at least one per month, and although I've already blogged about this one, here it is again:
MH18 - 2034 Santa Cruise
stitched with kit threads and beads on perforated paper

and I think this one counts as a small? It's certainly not as large as some of my WIPs!
Halloween Freebie by Passione Ricamo
stitched 2 over 2 
on 28ct Brittney evenweave Aries by Sparklies

And I also worked on another Mill Hill kit,
Winter's Feast by Mill Hill
stitched as charted with kit threads and beads on perforated paper

I might pick this one back up again as it should be a quick finish, but I'd like to finish a couple other things first. 

I'll see if I can keep up with this every month, it's a good way to try and work on some of my smaller WIPs. :)

Happy Stitching!


Knitting Finish and Quandary

Hello all! I managed to finish those socks for my mom:
Vanilla sock pattern size 2.75mm ChiaoGoo needles
Christmas Robin colourway by West Yorkshire Spinners

Then, given my loose end again from the recent small finish, I decided to skip ahead to one of the other monthly focus pieces. We were still catching up on Star Trek Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks, so I went with a fairly simple one, Symphonic Romance. Last time you saw it, it looked like this:
Symphonic Romance by Summer House Stitche Workes
stitched 2 over 2 full cross with WDW Grape Ice
on 28ct evenweave from Jodyri

and now it looks like this:

and it's a little over a quarter complete. However, I realized that where I thought I had 4 skeins of all the same colourway, I actually have 2 skeins with the colour scheme above, and 2 with a much darker grey. I started it on the top right side, and in case it's not obvious, I also took a close-up:

So I've put this aside for now and I'll see if I can find more Grape Ice and see what colourway it has. I'm definitely not frogging all that I've done, so it's possible it will be a restart or a UFO. For now, it will be put away and I'll likely chose another monthly focus project. 

In knitting news, I'm almost done a pair of shortie socks in that same colourway above, DD wanted a pair to match Grandma. I'll show the finished pair next week. 

I hope you've all had more successful stitching weeks!

Happy Stitching, 


Monday, January 22, 2024

What? Another one?

After completing Evening in the Shire, I was at a bit of a loose end. Clare mentioned on one of her recent posts about wanting some Santas for a new Christmas tree and I checked in with her about a different kind of Santa I had in my stash. 

It was a fun little stitch and took 3 days total to stitch. 
MH18 - 2034 Santa Cruise
stitched with kit threads and beads on perforated paper

And then I was at another loose end! So I picked up Loon Lake to get a few more stitches in. 
Loon Lake by Crossed Wing Collection
stitched 2 over 2 full cross
on 40ct linen by BeStitchedMe

I had finally kitted up the threads needed, besides just using my cone of DMC 310, or at least so I thought. I realized quickly that I had actually kitted up the small chart that was included with this one, so I needed to get different threads to work on Loon Lake. Also, I've been stitching 2 over 2, which feels a bit thick now, however, since the photo includes a reflection of the loons, I'm thinking I'll continue as I am, but either do the reflection in 1 over 1 full cross or 2 over 2 tent stitch. 

On another day I picked up another small Mill Hill, Winter's Feast to get a few stitches in. Last time you saw it, it looked like this:

and now it looks a little bit more like something:
Winter's Feast by Mill Hill
stitched as charted with kit threads and beads on perforated paper

I can't remember why I put beads in so soon. That seems a little odd, but maybe it was for a challenge, back when I was participating in those? 

I'm not sure if I'll pick this up again or work on something else. The last couple of nights I've been working on finishing up some socks for my mom while we catch up on Star Trek Picard and Strange New Worlds. If you were ever a fan of Star Trek: The Next Generation, I think you'll really enjoy the last season of Picard. 

The socks are the colourway I mentioned in my December round-up. I only have about 10 more rounds of stockinette stitch until I start the toe, then I'll be done this pair. 

That's all for my week, I hope you've all had good stitchy and fibre craft weeks as well!

Happy Stitching, 


Sunday, January 14, 2024

Another Finish? x2?

Hello again! I haven't managed to stitch every day, but I definitely have progress. I had to take a couple days off after doing a sign painting with co-workers and ended up with black paint on my fingers. I was afraid it might stain the fabric, so took a break to be safe. However, I have ended up with one big finish from one of my 2024 focus projects! Here's where it was last time you saw it:
and now it's a finish!!
Evening in the Shire by Cute Patterns by Maria
Stitched as charted 2 over 2 on 28ct Moonscapes by Jodyri

I'm really happy with the finish on this one. I've seen it stitched on blue fabric which looks amazing as well, but this cool sunset-style fabric really appealed to me for this pattern. I had some idea of maybe giving it to my brother and SIL, both LOTR fans, but I do really love it and might have to keep it for me. :) We'll see. Definitely tight framing on the sides since it has an almost unfinished look on the right side. 

I managed to finish this early on Saturday afternoon while watching some PWHL games. I don't know if anyone else is interested, but you can stream every pro women's hockey game on their Youtube channel. They've been fun to watch and I'm so excited women have a chance to play hockey professionally if they want. I have a friend that refs in the league as well, so it's great to see her able to enjoy continuing to be involved in professional hockey. 

So, since I had finished this one early on, I picked a smaller project that I'd had hanging around for a while. I don't love this one, only because I chose the wrong thread to work with at the start. I persevered though and I finally finished it! This is where it was when I picked it up last night:
and the finish!
Assisi tree stitched in opposite by Passione Broderie
stitched 1 over 1 on 18ct beige Aida
with Caron Snow 06 - Cedar Green and DMC Metallic red

Someday I'll remember that Caron Snow is really only for hardanger fabric or needlepoint, not for aida. :) I didn't mind the DMC metallics too much since it was only a short amount of stitching. I still had to use 3 thread lengths to make the star since it kept splitting. Anyway, now it's done and I'm very happy to have it in the finish drawer. I think a flat fold might be a fun way to finish it when I get some time. 

Now I have to decide what to pick up next. I have a couple weeks "free" of my monthly focus project now, so I could try and get a few days on the loon, or pick up some more smalls to finish them up. I'm happy to hear suggestions if anyone wants me to pick up a certain project! I hope you've all been having a good start to the New Year. 

Happy Stitching!


Sunday, January 7, 2024

1st Week of January 2024

Here we are, first update of 2024! Let's see if I can keep on track to post weekly. 

I did a new start on December 31, 2024 because the US way of writing the date made it so unique (12/31/23). I had plans for a Chatelaine, but haven't received the thread pack yet, so I decided another ridiculous one deserved a start. If I manage to finish this, it's for a friend that loves Halloween and cats. 
Paine Free Crafts Halloween Kitty with Pumpkin

and I managed a very tiny start. I'm still dealing with low energy from COVID, and needed a nap in the afternoon to make it all the way to midnight. 

Sorry it's a bit blurry. I have put it away for now, so can't get another photo yet. This was about 400 stitches into it. I ended up frogging some before this photo, but then thought maybe the stitches were correct after all? I realized I was too tired to keep stitching and stopped before I took out more stitches that were actually correct!

We all slept in the next morning and I was excited to start my New Year New Start. I don't love the fabric, it's 40ct linen, but it is gorgeous and perfect for this chart. Here's what I'm starting, which will be for my Mom. She has a big birthday this year. 

Her favourite animal is the loon, and when we were younger, we'd often go up to northern Ontario in the summers for vacation. Partly because it's beautiful and amazing, but also partly so Mom could hear loons. I had a few options on bird-related charts and had DH check them all over. He chose this one as the best for my Mom. Then he asked when her birthday was (June) and gave me a funny look like I thought I'd get this done by then. It's like he knows me or something? Then I gave him choices of all my blue fabric that was long enough and he chose this gorgeous one, which I knew he would, but linen (ugh!) and 40ct! (double ugh!) Anyway, here's my start. It wasn't too bad on the linen with my Ott light about 1 foot away...
Loon Lake by Crossed Wing Collection
stitched 2 over 2 full cross
on 40ct linen by BeStitchedMe

I think I'll try and pick this up a few times a month to get a few thread lengths into it. I'm not worried about finishing by June, it's the process that counts, not the deadline. 

Before I started on my monthly focus piece, I picked up a small I've been working on now and again over the past year. This is where it was last time I picked it up:    

and now it's a finish!

Halloween Freebie by Passione Ricamo
stitched 2 over 2 
on 28ct Brittney evenweave Aries by Sparklies

I don't think you can find this on their website any more, but it was a fairly quick and easy stitch. I used DMC Etoile for the moon and the BOO words, and the rest is DMC 310. The original chart had a witch's hat over top of the 2nd 'O', but I filled it in with black instead. I like the look of it without the hat. 

And now for my decision on the monthly focus! I've always enjoyed stitching on this one, even though it's got a lot of backstitch. Here it was last time I picked it up:
Evening in the Shire by Cute Patterns by Maria
Stitched as charted 2 over 2 on 28ct Moonscapes by Jodyri

and I've managed several thread lengths so far:

I think there's still more than half to go, and I plan on putting a few more thread lengths in before I might pick up another small or Loon Lake. I think this will keep my occupied for the month and we'll see how far I can get. I'm not expecting a finish, but you never know. 

I hope you've all had a good start to the year!

Happy Stitching,


Monday, January 1, 2024

2024 Plans

Here we are with potentially a good year of stitching, unlike the last couple. I think starting the New Year with positive thoughts, without pressuring yourself is always okay. 

I'd like to try and focus on 12 WIPs next year, one each month. It's okay if I don't finish them, but it would be nice to catch up a little. Also, there are Olympics next year, so I'd like to join Rachel in stitching something unique or special for the Olympics. I'm debating about a new start that I keep stitching on, or find one of the BAPs that really needs some love. It's the Summer Olympics and Paralympics this year as well, July 26-August 11 and then August 28-September 8. Plus I can pick up smalls any time if I need a break from the focus piece. 

Here are my thoughts for 12 focus pieces:
In Harmony by Dimensions

Do Not Meddle by Dragon Fire Designs

Believe in the Magic of Christmas by Durene Jones

Universal Monsters by Witchy Stitcher

Stormlight Archive by Taylor and Cromwell

Quaker Christmas by Lila's Designs

Symphonic Romance by Summer House Stitche Works

Ondulations by Jardin Prive

Happy Christmas by Prairie Schooler

Witch's Gate by Whispered by the Wind

Evening in the Shire by Cute Patterns by Maria

My first project will be to locate all of these, then I can sort out the order for next year. 

These are my thoughts so far, what does your New Year look like stitch-wise?

Happy New Year everyone, and may you never break a needle!


February Update

Hello again! Here we are partway through March, so definitely time for a February update. I got a little behind in things after catching col...