Sunday, January 7, 2024

1st Week of January 2024

Here we are, first update of 2024! Let's see if I can keep on track to post weekly. 

I did a new start on December 31, 2024 because the US way of writing the date made it so unique (12/31/23). I had plans for a Chatelaine, but haven't received the thread pack yet, so I decided another ridiculous one deserved a start. If I manage to finish this, it's for a friend that loves Halloween and cats. 
Paine Free Crafts Halloween Kitty with Pumpkin

and I managed a very tiny start. I'm still dealing with low energy from COVID, and needed a nap in the afternoon to make it all the way to midnight. 

Sorry it's a bit blurry. I have put it away for now, so can't get another photo yet. This was about 400 stitches into it. I ended up frogging some before this photo, but then thought maybe the stitches were correct after all? I realized I was too tired to keep stitching and stopped before I took out more stitches that were actually correct!

We all slept in the next morning and I was excited to start my New Year New Start. I don't love the fabric, it's 40ct linen, but it is gorgeous and perfect for this chart. Here's what I'm starting, which will be for my Mom. She has a big birthday this year. 

Her favourite animal is the loon, and when we were younger, we'd often go up to northern Ontario in the summers for vacation. Partly because it's beautiful and amazing, but also partly so Mom could hear loons. I had a few options on bird-related charts and had DH check them all over. He chose this one as the best for my Mom. Then he asked when her birthday was (June) and gave me a funny look like I thought I'd get this done by then. It's like he knows me or something? Then I gave him choices of all my blue fabric that was long enough and he chose this gorgeous one, which I knew he would, but linen (ugh!) and 40ct! (double ugh!) Anyway, here's my start. It wasn't too bad on the linen with my Ott light about 1 foot away...
Loon Lake by Crossed Wing Collection
stitched 2 over 2 full cross
on 40ct linen by BeStitchedMe

I think I'll try and pick this up a few times a month to get a few thread lengths into it. I'm not worried about finishing by June, it's the process that counts, not the deadline. 

Before I started on my monthly focus piece, I picked up a small I've been working on now and again over the past year. This is where it was last time I picked it up:    

and now it's a finish!

Halloween Freebie by Passione Ricamo
stitched 2 over 2 
on 28ct Brittney evenweave Aries by Sparklies

I don't think you can find this on their website any more, but it was a fairly quick and easy stitch. I used DMC Etoile for the moon and the BOO words, and the rest is DMC 310. The original chart had a witch's hat over top of the 2nd 'O', but I filled it in with black instead. I like the look of it without the hat. 

And now for my decision on the monthly focus! I've always enjoyed stitching on this one, even though it's got a lot of backstitch. Here it was last time I picked it up:
Evening in the Shire by Cute Patterns by Maria
Stitched as charted 2 over 2 on 28ct Moonscapes by Jodyri

and I've managed several thread lengths so far:

I think there's still more than half to go, and I plan on putting a few more thread lengths in before I might pick up another small or Loon Lake. I think this will keep my occupied for the month and we'll see how far I can get. I'm not expecting a finish, but you never know. 

I hope you've all had a good start to the year!

Happy Stitching,



  1. I'm sorry you are still feeling the effects of Covid, hopefully things will improve. Great projects to work on in 2024

  2. Love that Halloween kitty! It looks like you have some fun projects for 2024, too, I can't wait to see the finished loon project. Hope you soon feel 100%!

  3. Love your new start. I love loons too. Tell hubby be nice haha. Good luck getting progress on it. Congrats on the finish! Another cutie. I'm really into Halloween this year though haha. Love your WIP too. Good luck with it.

  4. What a rockin' start to the New Year! Shame that your Chatelaine pack didn't arrive in time for 123123, but you definitely made up for it.
    Congrats on the finish and good luck working on your WIPs. Love Evening in the Shire just as a picture, as I know nothing about LOTR.

    1. Thank you! And yes, maybe it will for February 29th? Leap year start? Are you in?

  5. Looks like you had a good start to the year! Love the new starts, especially the Loons - that fabric really is gorgeous!

  6. Great start to the year. Love the massive new start, I love Halloween and Cats. Just saying.


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

Here we are, almost a month into the new year, and as often happens, I've been able to get a fair bit of stitching in. We'll see how...