Sunday, March 17, 2024

Catch-up Post and Mischievous March

Hello again, things conspired so I didn't get a chance to put a post up, but I have been stitching. I also remembered to pick up my Mischievous March projects! Rachel is working on some beautiful ones as well and I chose to start some new kits from Sweet Annet. 

The first one will eventually look like this:

And after a few days of work it looks like this:
Dragonfly in Flowers Stamp by Sweet Annet
stitched 2 over 1 with kit threads on included wooden framework

The second one is by the same artist, and will eventually look like this:
and I've managed a fair bit of sky:
The Little Prince stamp by Sweet Annet
stitched 2 over 1 with kit threads on included wooden framework

I'm trying to use up one colour at a time, sort of like I do with Mill Hill kits and that seems to be working fairly well so far. 

I have 3 more to go, and although I did get a few stitches in the new one today; I'm very sore after a hockey tournament yesterday and it wasn't really worth taking a photo yet. 

I've also managed to progress more on Ondulations, my March focus project and am almost at the left side. There are 2 photos since I had to move the Qsnap:

Ondulations by Jardin Prive
stitched on 28ct rainbow gradient fabric by BeStitchMe

There's a bit more to the left side, so I should get there in another couple days of stitching. 

I'm also keeping up with Do Not Meddle, in fact it might have the most progress of any of the projects I've worked on so far. Here's where it looks now!
Do Not Meddle by Dragon Dreams
stitched 1x1 on 28ct white fabric as charted

Hopefully this week will bring more stitching, but we'll have to see how tomorrow goes. It's an interesting feeling when everything in your body hurts. My quads are the worst, but ice and painkillers have helped. 

I hope you're all feeling well and had good stitchy weeks!

Happy Stitching, 



  1. Hi, the stamps are really cute and they are stitching up fast. Do Not Meddle great. Have a great day!

  2. I haven't seen the stamp ones before, they look great. Odulations is very striking, it will look amazing. Happy stitching on Do Not Meddle.

    1. Thank you, they were new to me as well. I like the kit idea for finishing too.

  3. Tiffstitch: I have never heard of Sweet Annet designs, thank-you for sharing your progress.
    I love them both, great progress on Ondulations, I so like the Dragon design, so sweet.


  4. Oh, I love these little stamps with the wooden blanks! How fun.

    1. Me too! There was a deal for 5 of them, so I was debating about starting all or just a few.


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

Here we are, almost a month into the new year, and as often happens, I've been able to get a fair bit of stitching in. We'll see how...