Tuesday, December 31, 2024

End of 2025 Wrap-Up

Wishing everyone will have a good 2025! It's one of those things where let's not do resolutions, just make a bingo card to scratch off stuff you want to experience, etc. 
In no particular order, I'm going to try and list my WIPs from when I started the year, including new starts, completions and marking the ones that got a few more stitches added. Please check the 2024 Completions tab if you'd like to see photos and the WIPs tab for updates too if you don't want to scroll through my posts. :)

1. Amazing Animal Kingdom by Aimee Stewart/HAED - 35802/374500 (9.56%)
2. Canadian Hero by Stitching Jules Designs - 401/53850 (0.74%)
3. Kathleen and Summer by Hannah Lynn/HAED - 550/200000 
4. Halloween Freebie by Passione Ricamo - completed
5. Universal Monsters B&W by Witchy Stitcher
6. Stocking #3 by Jane Henderson - stitches added
7. Snowball Fight by Gitta - stitches added
8. Samurai by Fire Wing Designs
9. Bibliophile Bookmark by Kincavel Krosses - completed
10. Believe in the Magic of Christmas by Durene Jones 
11. Assisi Tree (unknown designer) - completed
12. Christmas Birdhouse #1 by Durene Jones - stitches added
13. Christmas Birdhouse #2 by Durene Jones - stitches added
14. Stormlight Archive Quotes by Taylor and Cromwell - 8853/13532 (65.42%)
15. Holiday Quaker by Lila's Studio
16. Noel by Bent Creek - stitches added
17. Ondulations by Jardin Privé - completed
18. Normal is Just a Setting on the Washer by Lizzie Kate - stitches added
19. Pumpkin Patch by Lois Winston
20. Winter Feast by Mill Hill - stitches added
21. Zelda Cross Stitch 
22. Warm Winter Wishes by Waxing Moon Designs - stitches added
23. Thistle Stop by Crossed Wing Collection - stitches added
24. Hummingbird Garden by Crossed Wing Collection - stitches added
25. Happy Christmas by Prairie Schooler
26. Motherhood by Selena French/HAED - 1955/58013 (3.37%)
27. Skating Snowman by Mill Hill 16-2133 - stitches added
28. Trick or Treat by Anne Stokes/Paine Free Crafts - 4531/126400 (3.58%)
29. Cryptid SAL by Witchy Stitcher
30. Vermont Zentangle by crossstitch4everyone - 3109/23502 (13.23%)
31. Halloween Kitty with Pumpkin by Paine Free Crafts - new start 392/100800 (0.39%)
32. Loon Lake by Crossed Wing Collection - new start
33. Do Not Meddle by Dragon Dreams - completed
34. Dragonfly in Flowers stamp by Sweet Annet - new start
35.The Little Prince stamp by Sweet Annet - new start
36. Journey by Urban Stitches - new start
37. Mr. Grinch by The Cross Stitch Studio - new start 514/9071 (5.67%)
38. Animal Parade by Lanarte - stitches added
39. 2009 Santa by Prairie Schooler - stitches added
40. Snow Guide by Lizzie Kate - stitches added
41. Honest Santa... I Didn't Do It - by The Sweetheart Tree - stitches added
42. Moon and Back by Heart and Hand - stitches added
43. Happy Halloween by Satsuma Street - stitches added
44. Everyone Brings Joy by Waxing Moon Designs - stitches added
45. Peacock Infinity Feather by CrossStitch4Everyone - stitches added 47639/58344 (81.65%)
46. Gothic Gate: Kenmore Gate of Taymouth Castle by Urban Stitches - completed
47. Witch's Gate by Whispered by the Wind - stitches added
48. Santa Cruise by Mill Hill - completed
49. Butterfly Quote by Jodyri Designs
50. In Harmony by Dimensions
51. Letter G - by Nora Corbett 
52. Bailey Basset by HAED 
53. Dragon Under Glass by HAED
54. Warbreaker by skitzzzz 
55. Mini Winter Magic by HAED
56. Under the Sea SAL by Lakeside 
57. McLaren Hamilton 
58. Raven Pixie by Nora Corbett
59. Visit Mordor
60. Magical Arrival by HAED 
61. Tiger Stare by Charting Creations
62. Tiger by Paine Free Crafts
63. Triumphant Ride by Charting Creations 8143/50370 (16.17%)
64. Spooky SAL 2021 by The Steady Thread
65. Lo and Behold by Long Dog Samplers

And then I've moved a few over to UFO status for various reasons. I'm working on a plan for 2025, likely similar to this year when I'll try and focus on a few larger pieces, but see if I can finish some smalls throughout the year as well. 


Mini Waterhole Master by HAED - UFO currently
SYOA Hogwarts by Cunning Crossstitch - UFO currently
Hogwarts in a Bottle - UFO currently
Ballerina Dreams by Dimensions - UFO currently
Autumn Tree by Abi Gurden - UFO currently
Vermont - UFO currently
Otto - UFO currently
Monochrome Link - UFO currently
Land of Dinosaurs - UFO currently
Frosty Friends - UFO currently
56-67 - Dragons 1-12 by StitchItPicasso - UFO currrently
42. Symphonie Romana by Summer House Stitche Workes - UFO currently
18. It's a Wonderful Life Mill Hill 14-2035

And that's where we're at right now! Hope you all have fun stitching plans in stock for the next year and had a successful year, no matter how you measure it. I'm looking forward to seeing where everyone is at in their stitching. 

Happy New Year!



  1. Gosh that's an impressive list. Wishing you busy needles in 2025, Happy New Year 🎊

  2. I'm glad to see some finishes on your list, even some that have been around for a while - well done!


Thanks for any comments!

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