Monday, January 20, 2014

IHSW January - the Conclusion

I was off work Sunday, but I was also home alone with our baby, so I think I progressed well all things considered. I believe it was 2-3 hours of stitching all told. :)

Here's an update on Tribal Dragon. I'm working on the 2nd of 3 areas that will have this colour.

I'm using Soie Cristale and stitching 1 over 1 on 25 count pewter Lugana. It's going very easily, I really love stitching with silk thread. This is the first time I've used so much of it in one project.

Hope everyone else had a great IHSW!


p.s. See why I don't get much stitching done anymore?

Friday, January 17, 2014

WIPocalypse SAL - January

I finally joined the WIPocalypse SAL this year hosted by Measi. I'm already a day late, so I'll try and keep better track throughout the year if I can.

For this full moon we're supposed to introduce ourselves and discuss the projects we'd like to finish. I've listed a lot of my WIPs on one of my pages, but I'm ashamed to say there are more I haven't posted photos of yet. My goals for completing projects this year would be:

1. Homeward Trail in Winter - due November 2013
2. Tribal Dragon
3. Dog Lessons
4. Fry and Leela
5. Warbreaker

I hope to also work on the Song of the Weather SAL from 2013, which is now available as a set on Mabel's Fancies site. Since those are all small designs I think they'll be a good break from the larger projects.

As for a general intro, well how about answers to a few questions? I'm stealing this idea from Joyce at Random Ramblings :)

Favourite Fabric: Evenweave, generally 28 count
Favourite Thread: I have a new appreciation for silk threads after using them on Tribal Dragon, but generally no particular favourite. I do love the variety in Weeks Dye Works though.
Least Favourite Thread: DMC metallics, even with Thread Heaven they're a nightmare
Favourite Designer: No one in particular, and no least favourite either
Longest Running WIP: White Wolves, I think it's 10 years old now.
Stitching Spot: On the couch near my Ott lite. Our couch is almost 10 years old and that spot has held up well.
Full Set of DMC: I recently purchased another 70 colours to complete my first set. My local LNS is closing, so it seemed like a good time.
How Many WIPs: Well, I have 16 on my page, and there are more, so let's round it off at 20 for now. :) I really hope there aren't more than that!

Hope everyone has a good month and happy stitching!


Thursday, January 16, 2014

IHSW January - the Preview

I have no idea how much stitching I'll be able to accomplish this year. With a new baby I'm sure it won't be a lot, but I hope I can participate in IHSW every month at least. I'm working Saturday for 6 hours, but Sunday I'm off. Hopefully I'll be able to work on Tribal Dragon a lot, and maybe if I'm feeling up to it give Homeward Trail a try. The confetti is a little mind-numbing even if it's not to HAED standards.

Here's my floss toss and a bit of stitching on White Willow's Tribal Dragon. I'm going to use the variegated thread for the dragon's underbelly and the solids for different portions of the back and wings. I think it will turn out well. I'm using pewter 25 count Lugana stitching 1 over 1.

Happy IHSW stitching everyone!


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Back Online

After a long absence I'm finally blogging again. The main reason I've been out of touch is our beautiful baby decided to come quite a bit early! My due date was November 30 and she arrived over 2 weeks early. It wasn't an easy delivery, but we're both healthy and I'm recovering well while she puts on a ton of weight. She's growing so fast!

I did finish the AAN ornament during my convalescence and I'm now in the process of finishing it into something. Probably a hanging of some kind.

Here's a sneak peek.

After this I need to get back to Homeward Trail in Winter since that was supposed to be for my Grandma's 90th birthday last month. Time got away from me there and I didn't feel up to concentrating on such a difficult piece until now. The latest photo is here:

  I'll update more frequently from now on, at least I'll try!

Happy Stitching,


February Update

Hello again! Here we are partway through March, so definitely time for a February update. I got a little behind in things after catching col...