Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Top 10 Tuesdays: Top 10 Food/Drink For Holiday Season

Top 10 Tuesday time! This week we talk about food and drink we enjoy over the holidays. My list may be a little limited because of my food allergies, so make sure you check out Keeble's and Kate's lists to get some ideas. 


1. Snowdrops
image from jaybirdblog.com

My Grandma made these every year and they were always the first to disappear from the cookie trays. Does everyone have those? Mixed cookies on trays that are kept in the "cold room" (Grandma's porch in her case). As children we'd try and sneak out on the porch to get some of these out of their containers.

I managed to make these once without problem and will attempt them again this year. DH doesn't think they're much more than a vehicle for chocolate chips, and I wonder how he doesn't get that that is their purpose. :)

2. Egg Nog

I love eggnog. Something about the spicy creaminess of it, yum! I have to stick with dairy free ones now and they're pretty decent! I don't know if I'll be able to try making my own or stick with purchasing some this year. 

3. Peanut Butter Marshmallow Squares (not allergy friendly)

These should be horrible like their appearance, but they're delicious! Or at least they were the last time I tried them 10+ years ago. 

4. Gingerbread People

image from cookieandkate.com

You can't go wrong with gingerbread and there are lots of good recipes online to fit any allergy. 

I'm running out of ideas for dairy free holiday food. I don't drink, so I don't have any tips on alcoholic drinks to get through the holidays. I'll post a few I remember enjoying when I was a child for now. 

5. Shortbread (not allergy friendly)
from allrecipes.com

My Grandma made fantastic shortbread! I have fond memories of it from when I was a child and visiting during the holidays. I don't know that she still does at 92, but my cousin makes some that people tell me is fantastic. I can't even get near it since it has lots of butter. She can bake really well though, so I'm sure it's awesome. 

from veganmiam.com

Nanaimo bars are a Canadian specialty that may have originated in Nanaimo, B.C. It's definitely named after the city, but the origins are a little varied according to sources. The point is, they're delicious! I didn't try one for a long time as a child since the bottom layer contains coconut and I don't enjoy coconut much. But these are amazing! You can't even taste the coconut. I have yet to attempt a dairy free edition of these mostly since I don't want to use as much margarine as they recommend. Maybe someday I can figure it out or I can find a recipe that uses coconut oil or something. 

That seems to be all I can come up with so far, I hope you enjoyed the list!



  1. Other than shortbread, I haven't had too many things on your list, but a couple of them sound good! I don't do peanut butter, am allergic to coconut, and wouldn't touch eggnog with a ten foot pole, but I like gingerbread (especially fresh) and those snowdrops sound amazing! When I first saw them, I thought they were divinity (which I haven't had since I was young).

  2. I've had shortbread but that's about it :)

    I thought you may have had too many choices but I guess allergies limit that...I look forward to trying some of the dairy free options as that is going to be my option soon :( but those nanaimo's look extremely naughty!

  3. Looking delicious! So many things to try out!

  4. I never knew what the origin of Nanaimo bars was before reading this- I thought it was just a weird snack they had at the grocery store bakeries around here! I feel so well informed now.

  5. Never heard of Snowdrops before, so that's a new one for me. Being a B.C. girl, Nanaimo Bars are very familiar and I love shortbread and gingerbread. Terrific list.


Thanks for any comments!

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