Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Theme-tas-stitch - Jardin June

It's time again for the monthly Theme-tas-Stitch link up! Head over to Kerry's blog to view everyone's flower/garden themed stitching for this month's Jardin June. 

I managed a little bit of work on my Letter H, and I've picked up Reflections of Canada again, so it has a little bit of progress, and hopefully will still be a finish by July 1st! 

Here are the photo updates:

The fairy has a little more of the letter H again, the darker purple near her wing, and there are some sort of flying leaves with all the scattered green in the center.

Reflections of Canada is stitched 2 over 2 on 25 ct ivory Lugana and it's about 3/4 or more done! I'm using Jodyri thread Ruby Slippers and there was some dye lot issues, but since I'm using 2 threads, I joined up one from each batch and I don't think the difference will be very noticeable. I'm pretty sure this will be finished in good time, maybe this week if it's not too busy. I don't have hockey this week, so I have one more night of stitching. Btw, the central motif is a dogwood blossom, plus there are maple leaves and oak leaves in this one, so I'm shoe-horning it in this month's theme. :)

I'm really excited to be finished this one and move on to another WIP, or possibly catch up on some SALs. Next month's theme is Just One July where we focus on just one project. I could maybe finish up my Letter H and Letter G to be completely finished with the Letters, or I have a Letter L to finish for a friend as well. Hmm.. perhaps July can be a month of letters! 

Then stay tuned for Animalia August that a few of us are going to dedicate to dragon stitching! 

Happy Stitching,



  1. Reflections of Canada is so close to being finished.It is a lovely design,filled with detail.You will complete it by July 1st I am sure:)

  2. Awesome progress Tiffany.


  3. Great progress on both pieces. Love the fabric you've chosen for the fairy too!

  4. Reflections of Canada looks amazing - I'm sure you will have it finished in time. Just One July sounds familiar! I might actually join in this month.

  5. Wow! You've really been cranking out the stitching these past few weeks! I think the blending of the dye lots was a brilliant idea! It makes it look softly variegated in places and I love it!

  6. Fantastic progress! Good luck on your next month's of stitching too.

  7. Super progress on everything! Reflections of Canada is coming along nicely. I join up threads too when there is a dye lot issue.

    1. Thank you! It's so nice to know there's a way to avoid frogging everything. :)

  8. Great progress!! Looking forward to see your just one July progress.

  9. Great work on both pieces. The Canadian piece is very close, I love those dogwood flowers.

  10. Great work on both garden themed pieces. Your solution to the dyelots is a great one too.

  11. Great idea with the dye lots - reflections is looking so lovely. I'm sure you'll get it done. I like your idea for July. I plan to do as many as I can that are near to finishes - I'm aiming for 3-4 big finishes. Link up post is now up. Sorry it was late.

  12. che belli! Usi sempre dei tessuti stupendi

  13. Great progress :) I love how the H shimmers through the fairy's wing!

    1. Thank you! Yes, these are such fun designs, and really fairly quick if you can stick with it. :)

  14. I love the topic for this month, it's a pity that I haven't had time to stitch something for this theme. I'm sure I would have found several projects I could have worked on. Nice progress on both your WIPs, Tiffany.

  15. I love the Reflections of Canada, good idea to blend the threads.

  16. Great idea blending the different dye lots. I think it will look fine. You're nearly there and I'm still a month behind in my reading. This is exciting! LOL

  17. Thanks for taking part in GG this month. Looks like you are making great progress on the Princess and there's plenty of filling-in space for sports season.



Thanks for any comments!

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