Wednesday, May 30, 2018

WIPocalypse May 2018

It's WIPocalypse time again and check out everyone's progress over at Measi's blog! This month's question is:
Where do you love to shop for stash?

When I can, I order either by email or in person from my LNS, The Wooden Needle in Stowe, VT. It's not very close, so I don't get there as often as I'd like. For gifts lately I've been asking for GC to 123stitch and I've come across a new-to-me site called Half Moon Stitchery

Also, please check out how Jo is doing with her 18 in '18 and how a few of us are joining her this year. :)

I posted about my 18 in '18 last month and what has been finished, in progress and what I hadn't touched yet. For part of May I did a WIP Maynia and pulled out a lot of the projects that hadn't been out of their expandable file yet this year. There are quite a few and I think there are progress photos in my other posts, so in this post I'll try and find a photo of what the finished object will look like eventually.

AAN Spider Banner

 Getting there! Only a few more days and I should have a finish here too.

 Mini Winter Magic

Basset Hound
I posted the photo of the cover page here, and I think a solid week or so will finish this one off as well. 

 Frosty Friends

This is the top left one.

Letters from Nora - L

 Again, a week or less should finish this one off too.

And that's where I'm at so far with my 18 in '18. Once I finish off the obligations, which right now are Fishing, the Optician and a shawl for my Mom, all due mid-June, then hopefully I'll get back to these and get a few finishes!

Hope you all had a good weekend and Happy Stitching!


Monday, May 21, 2018

IHSW - May Conclusion and WIP Maynia

This past weekend was the third weekend in May, so that was IHSW. I hope you all had some time to hermit and stitch. We had a pretty fantastic rain storm on Saturday afternoon, so that gave me some time while DD was "resting". She doesn't exactly nap any more, but she definitely needs some time to wind down for a while. 

Let me get WIP Maynia out of the way first since it's chronologically in order and the last piece I worked on had a lot more added during IHSW. 

Satsuma Street Happy Halloween
on 18 ct oatmeal aida?

 Warbreaker (book cover charted by skitzzzzz)
on 14 ct black aida 
Blue Fractal by skitzzzzz
 1 over 1 on 28 ct monaco

Spider Banner by AAN
 2 over 1 on 32 ct opalescent gift fabric
Lakeside Needlecraft UTS SAL
 2 over 2 on 28 ct Eilat from Chromatic Alchemy
The Optician - NEW START!
2 over 2 on 28 ct fabric from Chromatic Alchemy (I'll look up the name) 

To celebrate keeping up with WIP Maynia for 14 days, I decided to start on something new on May 15. It's the project I hope to finish in time for my friend's 50th birthday in June. I'm switching up the glasses a little bit to look more like ones we have in stock, and more like real glasses vs. the ones in the pattern. I've done a lot of the basic stitches now, although I had to modify a few things. This is the original again:
and these are my modifications so far:

You may notice that the optician has no hair, my friend shaves his head. :) And doctor/optician coats have white buttons, so I only backstitched those instead of making them black. Also, he has blue eyes, so I changed the eye colour and I changed the shoes to try and make them look like Converse. He wears those every day. I think the wording on the eye chart will change too, but I haven't decided what to put there yet. 

So this has a lot of the heavy work done and now just needs a lot more glasses. I needed to get out my metallics and some funky colours because glasses are a fashion accessory now more than they've been some years, plus it will add interest. I'm open to ideas for fun glasses if you have any, or what I should put in the eye chart. I'm debating something like "KEITH'S 50th BDAY" but haven't settled for sure yet. 

Thanks for stopping by and I always appreciate your comments!

Happy Stitching!


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Gifted Gorgeousness: May Edition

It's mid-May and that means it's time to talk about all our stitching with gifted materials or for gifts, or for however you can fit the category. Check out Jo's blog for all the details and to see who else is participating this month. 

I've been participating in Stitch Maynia, which I made a WIP Maynia, so I have pulled out several projects since last month. Let's see where we're at with everything:

Fishing - for my uncle
with charted DMC 2 over 2 on 28ct Tempest by Chromatic Alchemy

Letters From Nora - L - for a friend

Land of the Dinosaurs - for DD
 with charted DMC 2 over 2 on 28ct Nimbus (?) by Chromatic Alchemy
Mini Winter Magic - for DD
 Dragon Under Glass - for DH
 Bailey Basset - for DH
 Spider Banner - for DD

I was so excited to get this one out again. Again, I think a solid week should finish this one off. So I could add this to the pile with Fishing and Tribal Dragon and get 3 finishes within the next month or so. We'll see how it goes. 

I also decided on a project for my co-worker:

And I'll start this after Stitch Maynia, so tomorrow! It can be found on Etsy here.

Happy Stitching!


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Zodiac : Taurus

It's time again to talk about another astrological sign. One member of my immediate family is a Taurus, my younger brother. Check out Jo's post for more info on Tauri? Tauruses? and here's a little blurb:

The Bull represents a strong-willed character with great perseverance and determination.  In India Taurus is known by its Sanskrit name Vṛṣabha, which is occasionally given as a name for Shiva and his vehicle Nandi as well as the first of twenty-four Jain Tirthankara, Rishabhanatha.  In Egypt, Taurus was seen as the cow goddess Hathor.  Hathor was the goddess of beauty, love, and happiness, and she represented all of the riches seen in cattle as the providers of nourishment.  Roman astrologers considered Taurus ruled by Venus, the goddess of beauty, and Earth, the goddess of the earth and nature.

I'm going for some nature/earth type shoe horns this time, so let's see what I've stitched since last month that I can squeeze into this theme. :)

Full Moon got a little more progress:

 These lovely flowers....
 This snowy scene in Kiss for a Snowman:

 Wool is an all-natural fibre right?

Fishing - what could be more nature oriented than this one? 

Okay, maybe Mini Winter Magic:

Hope you've all had a good month and Happy Stitching!


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

WIP Wednesday: Stitch Maynia 2018 Edition

I've continued to try and find all the old WIPs I need to work on. Most of these are BAPs as they seem to be the easiest to put down and try and finish something much smaller. 

Here are the stitches from Monday and Tuesday:

Dragon Under Glass was here:

I'm giving 2 pictures because I didn't have an update of the whole thing. And now it's here:
I tried to add some stitches in between the squares to make sure I don't get lines. The squares were for an HAED FB challenge. 

Bailey Basset was here:
and is now a little farther along.

I would love to spend some serious time on both of these as well, but again, ones that are closer to a finish should be finished first to get the pile down. 

Thanks for all your amazing comments and Happy Stitching!


Monday, May 7, 2018

Stitch Maynia Continues!

Thank you for all of your encouraging comments on my last post. It is really nice to get these older WIPs out again and very hard to put them down again. It definitely enforces my desire to get some of these into finishes. 

Since last Tuesday I've worked on 5 more projects. I'll give the older photo first, then the update. 

Boo House was here:
and now:
 Basset Hound was here:
and now:

Land of the Dinosaurs from WOXS October 2015 was here:
and now:

Mini Winter Magic was here
and now:

If you're eagle-eyed, you may notice there's less stitching on the left side than there was. That's because I had forgotten I had started this as tent stitch way back when and did the right side full crosses. So I'm slowly removing the tent stitch as I add more to the right side. Most of what I added is on the bottom if it's difficult to tell. 

Let's see what the next few days will bring in the UFO/WIP piles. :)

Happy Stitching!


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

WIP Wednesday - Stitch Maynia Plans

I decided to join Stitch Maynia's May event this year. I plan to work on 15 different WIPs that haven't seen the light of day this year. So far I've pulled out found:

Letters from Nora L was here:
and is now:

and I also picked up Frosty Friends and managed a little more:

That's all so far since it's only been 2 days. I have managed to finish one sock too, so I guess the pair is still a WIP. Here's how they look so far:

What's exciting about this is the sock actually fits! And now I hope I can make the second one to match in size. Fingers crossed. :) 

I also got in some stash recently from a local-ish LNS, a few LK's I wanted to get before they were exorbitant prices. If you're looking for any online, I found a site that has a fair bit, Half Moon Stitchery

Happy Maynia if you're participating and Happy May otherwise!


February Update

Hello again! Here we are partway through March, so definitely time for a February update. I got a little behind in things after catching col...