Tuesday, May 1, 2018

WIPocalypse - April Edition

It's time again to post about how my 18 in '18 are going. This was Jo's brilliant idea, and I've enjoyed trying to keep up with it so far. Check out all the WIPocalypse fun at Measi's blog too! 

My initial list was:

1. Covered Bridge - FINISHED
2. Fishing - close to a finish
3. Xmas Train - FINISHED
4. Ballerina Dreams - On Hold
5. Here Comes Treble - FINISHED
6. Tribal Dragon - close to a finish
7. Do Not Meddle - worked on
8. Letter S - untouched
9. Letter H - untouched
10. Letter G - untouched 
11. Spider Banner - untouched
12. Princess and the Dragon - worked on
13. Ocean Curiosity - worked on
14. Letter L - untouched
15. Basset Hound - untouched
16. Mini Winter Magic - untouched
17. Otto - untouched
18. Frosty Friends - untouched

So far only 3 finishes, but 2 projects are pretty close. I'm debating about my next steps. With Stitch Maynia coming up next month, I could spend 15 days on 15 different WIPs or 15 days on one WIP (mono-Maynia). I'm not great at sticking with one single project, so I'm leaning towards the 15 different WIPs. It would be nice to get a page finish on Otto or Winter Magic though, or maybe even finish Spider Banner. 

I'll keep thinking about it. For now, here are the photo updates from what I've worked on since last month:

Fishing last month:
and now:

Princess and the Dragon last month:
and now:

Our question this month is to discuss your oldest WIP. That is number 15 above, the Basset Hound. I purchased this chart on ebay before I knew there were better places to buy charts, etc. and left it here maybe a decade or so ago?

I plan on digging this one out this year, I don't think it would take too much to finish it off. It's 14 ct, so a fairly easy stitch and only 6 colours if I'm remembering correctly. I think I stopped because I wasn't sure if I was happy with how it looked. From the photos it seems okay, so I'll know more once I can find it. Wish me luck!

Happy Stitching,



  1. Good luck with deciding where your stitching is going to take you next. I'd vote for working on one or two that are close to being finished, but then it might also be a good time to work on those untouched this year. Decision, decisions! :)

    1. Thank you! I think I will participate in Stitch Maynia by picking up some untouched WIPs, but then it will be back to finish off some of these ones that are almost complete.

  2. Nice progress Tiffany. I know Maynia has started and of course I'm behind. I am going to try and work on a different Lizzie Kate WIP each day.


  3. You don't need luck...you're kicking butt!

  4. Everything looks great. Good luck deciding what to do. I just want to stitch so hopefully I'll do just that haha.

  5. You've made up your mind by now but you could do 15 days of WIPs alternated with a day of a focus piece so by the end of the month you'd done 15 days on that.
    Brilliant ideas R us!

  6. The colours in fishing are so lovely.

  7. Great progress on your list! My 18 in '18 is looking quite sad. I'm looking forward to finding out what plan you ended up following for Maynia!


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

Here we are, almost a month into the new year, and as often happens, I've been able to get a fair bit of stitching in. We'll see how...