So, I debated and decided to make the last few weeks all about Christmas projects, and do a kind of different Jolly July. Each new start will be Christmas or winter themed.
And since this was the 13th new start, I thought I'd pull out the other Whispered by the Wind spooky chart, and made a miniscule start on it. Please check Rachel and Annie's posts as I'm sure they did better.
So, there's a lot left to do. :) I did keep working on some of the other WIPs I've started for this and am nearing a finish on the Wish ornament:
And as for my recent finish mania, this has nothing to do with these starts since I won't get it done by the end of July, but there's some chance Rachel and I have been discussing starting more projects this year, so I'd be aiming for a finish near that time.
This is Siberian Forest as it was when I pulled it out this year. Some of you may remember this from way back in 2011 or so when I started it. It's been out occasionally, but very rarely.
The main reason this came back out and why I'm interested in finishing it is Pattern Keeper came out, and there was finally a way I could get my head around stitching full coverage HAED projects. To the end that I'm over halfway done this one now and really want to finish it to have my first ever HAED finished this year! And then start all the rest... perhaps not all.
This is where it is after Sunday, June 28:
I'm at the bottom, this is as far down as it goes, so it's quite a small piece by HAED standards, only about 20K stitches. I do think a finish is possible this year, and I think it's going to be a focus while I have this mania to finish it and see if I manage it before I burn out.
I hope you've all been staying healthy and happy stitching!