Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Spring Into Summer New Start Binge #9 - Ballerine Silhouette 2

Ack! I'm sorry to be a day late posting. It was a long day in many ways, although not a work day. :)

Here it is, another weekend of another new start, and are we tired of this yet? Heck no! So much stash and so little time.

Please check out Rachel and Annie's posts as well for their starts and please let me know if I need to tag anyone else's blogs. Even if you're not blogging and joining in, I hope you're having fun.

This weekend I went off the rails a bit from my blog page about this. I wasn't feeling any of the starts, and that could be all the national issues that occurred. I decided on something simple and kitted, although I did change out the fabric.

I picked up this kit while DD was taking some dance lessons, as sort of inspiration, or possibly after we went to see the Nutcracker? Here's the kit:

And once I again I misread the instructions since I stitched 2 over 2 instead of apparently 2 over 1. I didn't see where it said to stitch over one anywhere in the instructions, but it's possible I skipped over it in my haste to start. I chose this fabric:
L'Amour with hearts limited edition 28 ct Lugana from Chromatic Alchemy

and I didn't quite get a finish, but I did get a fair bit completed. I think I'll stick with it till it's complete as there's only a few hundred more stitches I think. 

I hope you all had good stitchy weekends and are staying safe. 

Happy Stitching!



  1. Your fabric choice is beautiful, i do like the hearts.
    I have done the same and had to frog threads and start over , I had a pattern that did not have the stitch over on or anything else, only on their web site for corrections.


  2. She's gorgeous Tiff, and that fabric is perfect for both the design and for stitching a silhouette on. Good luck finishing her off. Do you have or are planning to stitch the others in the series? They would look fantastic as a quartet. ;)

  3. Your fabric us perfect for this, super placement too. Good luck finishing it, it's going to ge stunning.

  4. It looks great, both the ballerina and the fabric you chose!

  5. What a lovely project. And the fabric looks amazing! And you have made great progress too. Look forward to seeing what you'll start this weekend:D

  6. Great fabric, she's going to look beautiful.

  7. That's a beautiful design, so elegant.
    Was the original meant to be stitched on aida? If so, then 2 over 1 would be the same as 2 over 2. 2 over 1 on evenweave would be horribly bumpy and thick.

  8. That fabric is so lovely, and I love the pattern x

  9. Great fabric choice and again, you're almost done already! Since you picked your own fabric, what does it matter if she'll turn out a little bigger? :)


Thanks for any comments!

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