Monday, May 25, 2020

Spring Into Summer New Start Binge #8 - Squirrelly

I did it! Another new start and another finish. I was enjoying Wings and Things from the previous week so much that I purposely chose a small chart so I could hopefully finish it and get back to Wings and Things for a finish.

The title of this post has nothing to do with the craziness of the new start binge that Rachel, Annie and I are participating in and Jo has joined in with some Just Nans as well, especially in April.

I chose Autumn Harvest this weekend, a kit that I think I picked up at a small LNS, Battenkill Stitchery, in Sunderland, Vermont, USA. Her shop has a lot of needlepoint and she said most of her shoppers stitch that exclusively. Her cross stitch section had a ton of charts that I didn't have enough time to sort through, but that would be fun given unlimited time.

Since it's a kit, everything is included and here is the finish:
Squirrelly from Autumn Harvest Collection by Mill Hill
stitched 3 over 1 as charted and 2 over 1 for beads

I have a friend from the Cross Stitch Forum that goes by Squirrel, so I'll make this into a card and send it to her for her birthday. Hopefully it will arrive in time, it's in July and she's in Australia.

And I went back to Wings and Things again and it's now here:
Wings and Things by Ink Circles
stitched 2 over 2 with Dinky Dyes Down Under Blues and Kreinik 001 #8
stitched on 28 ct Lugana Haunted

and I think I've moved on in the Wish Ornament since you've seen it last as well:
Wish Ornament by Dimensions
stitched 2 over 1 on kit fabric (16ct Aida?) as charted

And that's where we're at so far! If I have a good stitching week maybe I can get Wings and Things completed and that would be one less WIP added to the pile. 

I hope you all have had a good weekend and stay safe in the U.S. over this Memorial Day weekend. 

Happy Stitching!



  1. Wow! Not only a beautiful start and finish but great progress on others over the weekend too. This binge is definitely helping you clear out your stash... in my mind that leaves room for more! ;)

  2. He's a sweet squirrel .. if you can call them sweet?

  3. The squirrel is adorable and will make a great card. Wings and Things is growing nicely, that blueblack is a wonderful colour.

  4. Cute squirrel! And I really like the Christmas one! Good luck on finishing Wings and Things, too.

  5. Ooh I love all your projects!!! They look like a joy to stitch all of them. And the squirrel is so cute:D I've ordered some more stash and I'm desperately hoping it'll arrive tomorrow so I can have a new inspiring start for this coming weekend! Hope you have a nice weekend <3

  6. Wings and Things is looking great, and I absolutely love the squirrel! x

  7. That squirrel is adorable! Well done already finishing her, and great progress on the other two, especially Wings and Things.

  8. Cute squirrel, perfect for your friend.
    I like the colours in Wings and Things, it's looking great.
    Wish is coming along beautifully, such a pretty piece.


Thanks for any comments!

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