Monday, May 11, 2020

Spring Into Summer New Start Binge #6 - Ode to Snowflakes

Time again for another new start. I hope you all had a good weekend. We had snow! Snow! In May! In... Vermont! Okay, maybe it is not unusual after all. :)

I did use the weather to help choose my project and picked this one from Glendon Place with a nice wintry theme:

and the floss toss:
This came kitted with 28ct Cashel linen. I am so done with linen right now, so I chose this 28ct evenweave from Chromatic Alchemy, called Abyss

And after spending a fair bit of time yesterday stitching, hey, it was Mothers Day after all, I have a finish!

Some close-ups of all the beads if you are interested, there was over 350 of them!

Please check out Rachelès blog for her post as well!

Happy Stitching,



  1. Stunning finish, its lovely.
    A great reminder of your Mothers Day this year.

  2. I can't cope with all these finishes you are having from your new starts, but then you did say that's what you were aiming for during this binge, so you must be congratulated on keeping to your plan!
    This is gorgeous and looks like you will see slightly different colours depending on which angle you look at it from. I love it! :)

  3. It is very pretty, the fabric color is lovely as are the threads and beads.
    Stay Healthy


  4. That's beautiful, very effective beadwork.

  5. Congrats on a one day start and finish Tiffany. It looks great.


  6. This is wonderful, I love the way the beads make this look 3D. Great finish.

  7. This is GORGEOUS! Did you pick the colours yourself? Green and pink are not the most common theme for snowflakes, but they look so lovely.

  8. Such a beautiful piece, it looks so pretty with all those beads!

  9. OMG, how on earth did you manage to finish so quickly?!! And it is stunning too!!! My jaw just dropped when I read that you had finished it too, haha. You're clearly a MUCH quicker stitcher than I am:D
    Such an amazing project <3

  10. Oh, my dearest friend, you are a braver person than I am with all those beads! I've only beaded to avoided French knots...I can't imagine all that work! It's beautiful!


Thanks for any comments!

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