Saturday, December 5, 2020

2020 Advent Calendar Blog Hop

 Hi everyone, I apologize for the delay! I left this as draft instead of scheduling it. Have a great holiday!

Don't forget to join in the fun over at Jo's blog to see all the other days as well. 

This year Jo asked us for a favourite Christmas book. I think mine might be 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. My dad used to read it when we were little and I've enjoyed reading it to DD over the years as well. There's an updated 2020/COVID version floating around that's a little NSFW, but kind of funny if you come across it.  A Christmas Carol has a close second, especially the version read by Tim Curry. My best friend says she prefers Patrick Stewart's version, and it's certainly hard to argue against that one. :)

What are your favourite books around Christmas?

Also, I have an FFO to share!

I finished this Dimensions Joy Snowglobe last year, and finally fully finished it last week. I hope you all have a joyful holiday season however you celebrate and stay well!

Happy Stitching!



  1. That's a joyous Santa globe - very festive. We have the same taste in Christmas books it seems.

    1. Excellent taste! Great minds think alike? :) Thank you.

  2. I can only see the Advent door :-(

    Great book choice, a favourite of mine. The only Christmas Carol book I know is by Charles Dickins. Your ornament is cute, I bet that's what Santa does on Dec 26th!

    1. Thank you! I have a photo of the advent door and a photo of the ornament below.

  3. Thanks for taking part in the Advent Calendar Blog Hop this year. I love your Skating Santa!
    Twas the Night is a favourite of mine. We have a tradition of reading various different versions on Christmas Eve. Maybe I can try the NSFW version now my son is 18 LOL
    Also a big fan of Christmas Carol. I should get the audiobooks and see which I prefer!

    1. Thank you for the reminder! And I hope you enjoy the audiobooks. Thank you for hosting as always.

  4. Your Santa globe is lovely. I haven't read 'Twas the night before Christmas' but I enjoy 'A Christmas Carol'. I haven't listened to any audio versions of it but have watched various TV/film versions. Last year the BBC showed a new version of the story and I think this is now my favourite version.

    1. Thank you! And I don't think I've seen the new version, thank you, I'll look for it.

  5. What a fun Santa ornament, he looks very joyful!
    I think I'll skip the covid version and stick with the traditional Night before Christmas. Tim vs Patrick, tough choice.

    1. Thank you! And yes, isn't it? They're both excellent.

  6. Your Santa Globe is very colorful and Christmas-y. I've always liked The Night Before Christmas, but didn't realize there were different versions.

    1. Thank you! And I think the different versions are somewhat tongue-in-cheek. :)

  7. That's a cute ornament! And I also love The Night Before Christmas! I will have to check out the audio Christmas Carol! I've been wanting to share it with my kids this year. Thanks for the tip!

  8. Pretty Santa skating globe, really bright and festive.

  9. My Favorite was and is Night before Christmas.
    I love your globe so sweet seeing Santa skating.

    Merry Christmas

    1. Thank you! And that is one that always brings a fond feeling when I hear it.

  10. The snow globe is so pretty! I like several versions of a Christmas Carol!

  11. Great snow globe Tiffany! What a wonderful Santa!
    I hope you have a Happy Christmas!
    Barbara xx

  12. I love Santa in the Snow globe! I think the Night Before Christmas is probably the best book too.

    1. Thank you! And it seems like that's the majority answer, and it is timeless.

  13. Such a fun snow globe! And those books are still the best as far as I'm concerned. Altho' - I love one called 'The Best Christmas Pageant Ever' and used to read it to our kids every Christmas.

    1. Oh, I haven't read that one, thank you! I'll have to find it.

  14. A fun and festive ornament for your tree. I can see the time put into stitching all those shades of blue. Traditional Christmas stories are all intertwined in our memories. Merry Christmas

  15. Great stitching, those snow globe are so funny and festive. Love how Santa looks happy skating. Joyeuses fêtes de Noël. Bisous. xxx

  16. Aww the snow globe is so cute! Great finish! I love both the books you mentioned too! Have a very Merry Christmas!

    1. Thank you! Merry Christmas to you and yours as well!

  17. Love Snow globes and this one is very nice.

    1. Thank you! They have a whole series of them I think.

  18. What a cute finish! Your books certainly are classics.


Thanks for any comments!

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