Tuesday, December 22, 2020

WIP Wranglers Part 2

I've stitched some more on some of the WIP Wranglers WIPs, in fact, they're mostly ones you've already seen because I kept rolling ones I'd already worked on. I have 9 that I haven't even rolled yet. 

We left off at the circle dragon last time, next up was Kiss for a Snowman and a rolled a 4, so 800 stitches were added:

Kiss for a Snowman by Dimensions
stitched 2 over 1 or as charted
with kit threads and fabric

And then Princess and the Dragon was rolled again, this time a 5, so only 500 stitches since this was the second time it had come up. And now it looks like:
Princess and the Dragon by Charting Creations
stitched 1 over 1 on 28ct Amarithine by Chromatic Alchemy
with DMC 310

There's less than 6000 stitches left now, I was off on my count last time, so again, this could be a finish pretty soon. 

Next up was Kiss for a Snowman again! This time for 100 only. I decided to stitch a lot of the half stitch to get some of that completed. Here's how it looks now:

It's so close! It's very tempting to stick with it, but at least I'm getting a lot of them very close to a finish now. 

I rolled another project for a second time once more, this time Winter, and it only got another 100 stitches. That was a bit annoying as 300 or 400 might have finished it, but I stuck with the roll. 
Winter by Bent Creek
stitched 2 over 1 on 28ct Feldspar by Chromatic Alchemy
stitched with stash threads, WDW and some DMC

I think this one needs to stay out and get finished, one good night of stitching and it will be done. 

Another repeat project was next, Twilight LeMans for 200 only. So you can maybe tell these are headlights on a wet road a little easier:
Twilight LeMans by Heritage Stitchcraft (OOP)
stitched 2 over 2 as charted on unknown 28ct linen

I think I still have at least half of the stitching left on this one, so it will be a few days to finish, possibly a week. 

This next one I could have wished for a few more stitches, but a good 200 went into G, second time for this one too!
Letters From Nora - G by Nora Corbett
stitched 2 over 2 as charted
on 28ct Nuriel's Forest by Chromatic Alchemy

Once again this series won't be finished this year, but hopefully early next year. A good week should get this done and all three of them beaded. I ran out of CC Smoke, so I need to order that first. 

What's that? Another repeat WIP up next? You're not wrong. Christmas Dragon was the next one for another 300, which if you remember is more stitches than it needed the first time. Now it's quite far along as well:
Dragon silhouette by Lisbei (ludinthemist.com)
stitched 2 over 1 with Caron Waterlilies Holiday
on 14ct gold sparkle Aida

This might need a couple nights of stitching, but again, should be a fairly quick finish. 

And you guessed it, another WIP I've already rolled and stitched on came up, Happy Halloween! Such a seasonal choice. :)
Happy Halloween by Satsuma Street
stitched 2 over 2 as charted
on 20ct Fiddler's aida?

And that's it for now! The next one up is Loved You Yesterday, which looked like this last time you saw it in the summer:
Loved You Yesterday by Cherry Hill Stitchery
stitched with stash threads, WDW and Jodyri so far
on 18 ct damask by Silkweaver

Hopefully I'll be able to get my act together and get the 1000 stitches this one needs finished up, there's still a lot of stitching left before the end of the year if I want to try and wrangle all of these WIPs. I have some hope of finishing Loved you Yesterday since 1000 stitches should get it close to a finish. All of this stitching will play into my 2021 plans of trying to finish off some WIPs because I think I might have talked myself into starting this one:

Stay well and Happy Stitching!



  1. It sounds to me like you'll have a lot of happy dancing to do very soon. Your "want to start" piece is awesome!

  2. I think this is one of the best challenges you have joined in with (certainly the most enjoyable to read about) and I totally admire your resolve for stitching what you roll.
    Like you say, you're close to finishing quite a few; maybe you should set yourself a target amount of finishes before rewarding yourself with another HAED new start, which is gorgeous, by the way! :)

    1. That would be sensible, but what I had in mind was starting this one for New Year New Start, but if I get under 50 again, start another full coverage. :D Before I start 17 more later in 2021.

  3. Lots of great stitching any many of these WIPs are getting quite close! It will be lovely to see a parade of finishes later in this or early next year.

    1. Thank you! And yes, I'm hopeful that will happen in January. No set plan, just get some stuff done. :)

  4. Oh my Tiff: My head is spinning, you have put in a boat load of stitch's, it is always fun to see how you are doing on your WIPS.
    I do like the Heaven and Earth design it is lovely.


    1. Thank you! And it's nice to get some close to a finish as well.

  5. Love following this one. Beautiful progress!!

  6. This is a fabulous challenge and you've made so much progress on the chosen charts.
    That HAED is quite stunning, a real long-term project.
    Looking forward to seeing the Princess and Dragon as a finish very soon.


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

Here we are, almost a month into the new year, and as often happens, I've been able to get a fair bit of stitching in. We'll see how...