Wednesday, April 14, 2021

March Round-Up and One Fully Finished Gallery Entry!

Maybe some day I'll have time and opportunity to do these wrap-ups at the beginning of the month instead of the middle, but not this time. :) I'll hold out hope for April since I have plans for May at this point. 

I kept Amazing Animal Kingdom as my focus project, and also had several others come out for a little bit of work. 

Do Not Meddle by Dragon Fire Designs
stitched 1 over 1 on 28ct Monaco as charted

Mini Winter Magic by HAED
stitched 1 over 1 full crosses on 28ct Monaco (added some white above the dragons)

Lots to go on this, but a lot is in 032 Kreinik and that seems to be out everywhere, so I'm in no hurry on this one. 

Canadian Hero (Terry Fox) by Stitching Jules Designs
stitched 1 over 1 on 25ct easy guide as charted

I haven't been back to this since I started, but hope to finish his face first and make sure I'm happy with it before continuing with the rest. 41 years and 2 days ago Terry Fox started his Marathon of Hope in the far east of Canada. 

In Harmony by Dimensions
stitched 2 over 1 (or as charted) with kit threads and fabric

This one is my oldest WIP right now I think, so I use it for "penalty" stitching in one of the Facebook groups. It's had a decent amount of progress in the last few months, so a finish this year might be within the realm of possibility. 

Under the Sea SAL hosted by Lakeside Needlecraft by Durene Jones
stitched 2 over 2 as charted except for this part, the submarine is charted as grey

Diamond Painting! Tried something new when I wasn't feeling cross stitch one day. That has happened a lot in the last year, and will likely continue until things are more settled and "normal". Who knows when that will be. This was fun and it's a fairly small project as these things go, so something I might pull out again to work on this year and eventually finish. It will be a wolf face. These are square drills/diamonds and I think round would be better, but I'll finish it with what I have. 

Amazing Animal Kingdom by Aimee Stewart charted by HAED
stitched 2 over 1 tent stitch on 32ct experimental fabric by Chromatic Alchemy

I'm almost done a second page on this one, below the first page. I didn't quite manage it by the end of the month because of getting caught by a mini-obsession. 

Patsy Pine by Mill Hill
stitched 3 over 1 on perforated paper as charted

I picked this up again at the end of the month to see where I could get to. I felt like it was going pretty well, and although this my March 31st stitching, this project is now finished, as well as 3 others. 

Yes, my mini-obsession is trying to get things finished in April! So I haven't touched Animal Kingdom at all and it is safe in a project bag until I get back to it. I haven't taken it out of the qsnap because I'd been planning to get to it, but I think I might go ahead and do that since I still have new startitis and might do a full 31 starts in May. 

I took a day to sort out some options for projects, kit things up, and tried to keep it somewhat reasonable. I still have plans for the new starts during the Olympics with Rachel and those projects are already set. Unless I change my mind again. :) 

And you saw this one in my GG post, but here it is again, a big finish for me!
Kiss for a Snowman by Dimensions
stitched 2 over 1 or as charted with kit threads and fabric

And finally my FFO!
Happy Easter freebie
stitched 1 over 1 with Dinky Dyes oops threads on scrap of 18ct CA fabric

I glued this to a card and then forgot to give it to DD for Easter, so it will wait till next year. That sounds so unlike me.... 

I'm still debating on 31 new starts. I don't need that many of course, but it's not about that. I was trying to organize some things and noticed I'd been running out of room for fabric, so started thinking I could start more things, or at least kit them up and have things earmarked for certain projects. That got me back to thinking about just going ahead and starting things I've been wanting to right now instead of waiting till July. I easily found enough projects, and took a day to more fully whittle things down. I have 22 fully kitted, so that's a good start. That may or may not be what's driving my desire to finish things this month, and I have 4 complete already, so maybe another 4 will be possible before the end of the month. That would put a good dent in the WIPs at least. 

I hope you've all had a good April so far. Stay well and Happy Stitching!



  1. Oh my goodness, you must have a smoking needle, you have so many projects going, wow 22 kitted up, I wish I had a vision like yours for the future of my stitching.
    Kiss For Snowman is an adorable design, I hope you show a photo of the framed piece.


    1. Thank you! I do stitch most nights, so that helps. And some of these have been around for a while, so it's good to get some progress in.

  2. You stitched a lot in March! Keep it up!

  3. That's a nice variety of projects. Of course the submarine has to be yellow!

  4. You have been busy! I think Under the Sea is a pretty piece so I hope to see more of that one soon. My daughter has started diamond painting and I am kinda jealous because she gets done so quickly but he did mention that round is better than square.

    1. It is a gorgeous one. I would like to get back to it as well. I'm still somewhat fixated on finishing up WIPs that are close-ish to a finish, so perhaps when I get a little more time to focus on other things.

  5. Haha, I love reading about all your stitchy musings and planning! I'm doing a lot of cross stitch planning in my head too; it's so much easier than doing it for real:D I have a few starts planned but also want to finish some things too. And I'd like to record all my WIP:s on the blog too. And I used a little bit of my tax return to order some more threads for my new starts... It feels as if I think about stitching 24/7! Take care and stay safe <3!

  6. Wow, you have a much going on here! Great progress on everything and congrats on all the finishes. Your diamond painting looks great - personally, I think the square drills work much better, as they give full coverage. Round drills are mostly nice with printed canvases, in my opinion.
    Wowza, another 31 starts on top of all the starting events you already had (planned)? No wonder you are keen on finishing things, but it'd be so much fun to follow along on that!


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

Here we are, almost a month into the new year, and as often happens, I've been able to get a fair bit of stitching in. We'll see how...