Sunday, October 17, 2021

Witch's Gate Update

Thank you for all your lovely comments! I always appreciate them. I am so happy to be done In The Gloaming, it was a very enjoyable stitch despite the initial frogging to get the colours just right. I love the finish and will be looking for a frame soon. 

When we last saw Witch's Gate, it was not very far along:

and will eventually look like this:

The chart is separated into 4 pages and I thought I might try and finish one full page, but I ended up skipping around a little instead. I didn't have a designated stitch count on this one. Instead, I realized I had just a few thread lengths of the C3799 left in Etoile for the gate, so I could finish up the skein and call that a good place to stop. That meant I worked across the top all the way to the other side of the gate, and a little bit into page 4 on the bottom right. This is where it is now:
Witch's Gate by Whispered by the Wind
stitched 2 over 2 on 28ct Mirage by PTP
with DMC 167, 738, 3823 and 3866 as changes to the original colours

I'm happy with this progress so far. The bats in the gate will be normal 3799, like the gargoyles. The gate gets the extra pizzazz though. I think the amount of stitching definitely makes a page, so we could call this at least 1/4 complete. I doubt it will come out again this month or the rest of the year though. 

Next up I'm hoping for another finish with this 2017 SAL by Lakeside Needlecraft, designed by Durene Jones:

If you note the date on top, I think if I finish it this year I won't have to frog the skull I've already stitched in. Here's where it looks now:
Spooky Halloween by Lakeside Needlecraft and Durene Jones
stitched 2 over 2 on 28ct Icarus by Chromatic Alchemy
with DMC 310, Purple Planets by Jodyri and various GITD Kreinik

The far right is the end of the piece and the missing area above is all part 6. I had finished part 5 the last time this one came out and worked some of the border. Now it's just part 6 and the rest of the border to finish the black. It's mostly filling in after that, and part 1 and 2 might have been completed already, so a finish definitely looks possible. 

I hope you've all been staying well and enjoying your stitching.

Happy Stitching!



  1. Great progress! Your gates look a lot sparklier than mine - are you using two strands of Etoile?
    Good luck finishing of the DJ SAL; there's another two weeks of Dark October so I'll keep my fingers crossed you cross that line. :)

    1. Yes, I am using 2 strands of Etoile. I do love a loop start if possible. I really think I can knock that one out as well, then to decide what might come next!

  2. Tiffstitch: Nice progress, you have some sweet design you are working on.


  3. Witch's Gate looks great! I totally forgot how big it was. The etoile is so sparkly!
    Good luck with the SAL. I'm sure you can get that one done before the month is out.

    1. It is a significant size, bigger than it looks in some ways. Thank you!

  4. Fantastic work on your gate, love all the ironwork in that etoile.
    It would be awesome to see the Lakesdie SAL finished this year too.

  5. Great progress on Witch's Gate and YaY to Spooky Halloween being almost finished!


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

Here we are, almost a month into the new year, and as often happens, I've been able to get a fair bit of stitching in. We'll see how...