Tuesday, December 31, 2024

End of 2025 Wrap-Up

Wishing everyone will have a good 2025! It's one of those things where let's not do resolutions, just make a bingo card to scratch off stuff you want to experience, etc. 
In no particular order, I'm going to try and list my WIPs from when I started the year, including new starts, completions and marking the ones that got a few more stitches added. Please check the 2024 Completions tab if you'd like to see photos and the WIPs tab for updates too if you don't want to scroll through my posts. :)

1. Amazing Animal Kingdom by Aimee Stewart/HAED - 35802/374500 (9.56%)
2. Canadian Hero by Stitching Jules Designs - 401/53850 (0.74%)
3. Kathleen and Summer by Hannah Lynn/HAED - 550/200000 
4. Halloween Freebie by Passione Ricamo - completed
5. Universal Monsters B&W by Witchy Stitcher
6. Stocking #3 by Jane Henderson - stitches added
7. Snowball Fight by Gitta - stitches added
8. Samurai by Fire Wing Designs
9. Bibliophile Bookmark by Kincavel Krosses - completed
10. Believe in the Magic of Christmas by Durene Jones 
11. Assisi Tree (unknown designer) - completed
12. Christmas Birdhouse #1 by Durene Jones - stitches added
13. Christmas Birdhouse #2 by Durene Jones - stitches added
14. Stormlight Archive Quotes by Taylor and Cromwell - 8853/13532 (65.42%)
15. Holiday Quaker by Lila's Studio
16. Noel by Bent Creek - stitches added
17. Ondulations by Jardin Privé - completed
18. Normal is Just a Setting on the Washer by Lizzie Kate - stitches added
19. Pumpkin Patch by Lois Winston
20. Winter Feast by Mill Hill - stitches added
21. Zelda Cross Stitch 
22. Warm Winter Wishes by Waxing Moon Designs - stitches added
23. Thistle Stop by Crossed Wing Collection - stitches added
24. Hummingbird Garden by Crossed Wing Collection - stitches added
25. Happy Christmas by Prairie Schooler
26. Motherhood by Selena French/HAED - 1955/58013 (3.37%)
27. Skating Snowman by Mill Hill 16-2133 - stitches added
28. Trick or Treat by Anne Stokes/Paine Free Crafts - 4531/126400 (3.58%)
29. Cryptid SAL by Witchy Stitcher
30. Vermont Zentangle by crossstitch4everyone - 3109/23502 (13.23%)
31. Halloween Kitty with Pumpkin by Paine Free Crafts - new start 392/100800 (0.39%)
32. Loon Lake by Crossed Wing Collection - new start
33. Do Not Meddle by Dragon Dreams - completed
34. Dragonfly in Flowers stamp by Sweet Annet - new start
35.The Little Prince stamp by Sweet Annet - new start
36. Journey by Urban Stitches - new start
37. Mr. Grinch by The Cross Stitch Studio - new start 514/9071 (5.67%)
38. Animal Parade by Lanarte - stitches added
39. 2009 Santa by Prairie Schooler - stitches added
40. Snow Guide by Lizzie Kate - stitches added
41. Honest Santa... I Didn't Do It - by The Sweetheart Tree - stitches added
42. Moon and Back by Heart and Hand - stitches added
43. Happy Halloween by Satsuma Street - stitches added
44. Everyone Brings Joy by Waxing Moon Designs - stitches added
45. Peacock Infinity Feather by CrossStitch4Everyone - stitches added 47639/58344 (81.65%)
46. Gothic Gate: Kenmore Gate of Taymouth Castle by Urban Stitches - completed
47. Witch's Gate by Whispered by the Wind - stitches added
48. Santa Cruise by Mill Hill - completed
49. Butterfly Quote by Jodyri Designs
50. In Harmony by Dimensions
51. Letter G - by Nora Corbett 
52. Bailey Basset by HAED 
53. Dragon Under Glass by HAED
54. Warbreaker by skitzzzz 
55. Mini Winter Magic by HAED
56. Under the Sea SAL by Lakeside 
57. McLaren Hamilton 
58. Raven Pixie by Nora Corbett
59. Visit Mordor
60. Magical Arrival by HAED 
61. Tiger Stare by Charting Creations
62. Tiger by Paine Free Crafts
63. Triumphant Ride by Charting Creations 8143/50370 (16.17%)
64. Spooky SAL 2021 by The Steady Thread
65. Lo and Behold by Long Dog Samplers

And then I've moved a few over to UFO status for various reasons. I'm working on a plan for 2025, likely similar to this year when I'll try and focus on a few larger pieces, but see if I can finish some smalls throughout the year as well. 


Mini Waterhole Master by HAED - UFO currently
SYOA Hogwarts by Cunning Crossstitch - UFO currently
Hogwarts in a Bottle - UFO currently
Ballerina Dreams by Dimensions - UFO currently
Autumn Tree by Abi Gurden - UFO currently
Vermont - UFO currently
Otto - UFO currently
Monochrome Link - UFO currently
Land of Dinosaurs - UFO currently
Frosty Friends - UFO currently
56-67 - Dragons 1-12 by StitchItPicasso - UFO currrently
42. Symphonie Romana by Summer House Stitche Workes - UFO currently
18. It's a Wonderful Life Mill Hill 14-2035

And that's where we're at right now! Hope you all have fun stitching plans in stock for the next year and had a successful year, no matter how you measure it. I'm looking forward to seeing where everyone is at in their stitching. 

Happy New Year!


Sunday, November 24, 2024

It's Finally Complete!

Some of you that still follow my sporadic posts will be surprised to see I have actually managed to finish one of my older WIPs! Last time you saw it, it looked like this:

and now, it's complete!! And it's even been mailed to the person I was stitching it for. Good thing they have remarkable patience. 
Do Not Meddle by Dragon Fire Designs
stitched as charted 1 over 1
on 28ct Monaco

It's so nice to be finished with this one. It's been waiting a long time, and it's great to get a finish. And then it took me a couple days to figure out what to pick up next, so I did some work on the intarsia blanket for DD:
Rainbow Days Blanket by Mary-Ann Lammers
knit with Jody Long cotton and Juniper Farm Neve

This one only needs another couple pattern repeats until the finish. I also finished another project while my elbow was healing. I still couldn't stitch for any significant length of time for a couple months after my injury, but I could knit a few rows a day. That meant my science officer version of a Star Trek inspired shawl was completed! It's funny how not being able to craft makes you want to do it more. 

Farpoint by Vanessa Smith Designs
knit with FiberStash fingering weight yarns

And I decided on the next project I'd like to tackle. Since I missed almost all of the planned October stitching, I picked up Witch's Gate by Whispered by the Wind to get some progress and possibly a finish before I start December stitching. Last time you saw it, it looked like this:

and I managed several thread lengths to get it to here last night:
Witch's Gate by Whispered by the Wind
stitched 2 over 2 on 28ct Mirage by PTP
with DMC 167, 738, 3823 and 3866 as changes to the original colours

This has a fair bit of work to get it finished, so I don't know if it will be a finish, but we'll see how it goes. Also, Whispered by the Wind is not going to be designing any more, so if there's anything you want, order soon!

Hope everyone has a good week and enjoys Thanksgiving if in the US. 

Happy Stitching!


Sunday, October 20, 2024

Delay Again, Anyone Surprised? :)

Hello all! So, with all those well-laid plans in place, of course, the following Thursday I injured my right elbow and hadn't been able to do any kind of stitching or knitting for several weeks since my last post. 

It turns out, that if you're injured and _can't_ stitch on anything, you really, really want to. So I was making plans, and doing this and that, and sometimes stitched 2 stitches on Do Not Meddle. Literally 2, because more hurt too much. Same with knitting, maybe 60 stitches some days, and that was all for weeks and weeks. 

However, things have been steadily improving and by being careful, i.e. using the mouse with my left hand for about a month, mostly doing everything left-handed instead of using my dominant right hand, etc. I have been able to craft again! 

Just in time for me starting to feel better, Urban Stitches came out with this really cool Gothic Gate blackwork pattern:

And something about it called to me, so I went to my fabric stash and found some Chromatic Alchemy that I thought would work with black thread. I worked at it for several days, little bit here and there and finished it!
Gothic Gate: Kenmore Gate of Taymouth Castle by Urban Stitches
stitched 1 strand black on 28ct Jamboree by Chromatic Alchemy

I also picked up Do Not Meddle for a bit when I finished this because I felt up to doing cross stitch instead of straight stitches, so it has progressed to here:
Do Not Meddle by Dragon Fire Designs
stitched as charted 1 over 1
on 28ct Monaco

There's really not much to go, so still a good chance I can get this finished this year. I had planned on working on one of Whispered by the Winds designs, but I almost feel like getting this completed and having it off my plate. We'll see how the month goes. Plans go out the window with injuries, so it's okay to figure it out and not stress about "goals". All my goals have had to be loose anyway the last few years. 

I hope you've all been doing well without any injuries and have had good crafting successes!

Happy Stitching!


Saturday, August 17, 2024

Olympics Wrap-Up and Paralympics Plans

I hope everyone had a chance to enjoy the Olympics if they were interested! Seemed like a great games overall, lots of interesting achievements by athletes and great competition. 

I managed to get quite a few WIPs out, so here we go! (there's quite a few again)

Crossed Wing Collection was a good place to start and we last saw Hummingbird Garden here:
and after one night, there's a decent amount of fill:
Hummingbird Garden by Crossed Wing Collection
stitched 2 over 2 as charted on 28ct Largesse by Chromatic Alchemy

The next one is part of the same chart collection:
and I managed quite a bit of this colour:
Thistle Stop by Crossed Wing Collection
stitched 2 over 2 as charted on a scrap of Cumulus? by Chromatic Alchemy

Then a fun Lizzie Kate one that I'm using stash threads on. It used to be here:
and now:
Normal is Just a Setting on the Washer by Lizzie Kate
stitched 2 over 2 with stash threads

Next up another one with words, also a start from 2021:
The second photo doesn't show the fabric well, but it does show the update:
Warm Winter Wishes by Waxing Moon Designs
stitched 2 over 2 on 28ct Cumailitis by Chromatic Alchemy
with stash threads, DD Down Under Blues so far

Another 2021 start coming up:
and now:
Noel by Bent Creek
stitched on 28ct Chromatic Alchemy fabric scrap
with WDW Fathom and Blue Bonnet, odd Dinky Dyes for orange and the grey is Silks4U PR026, DMC Etoile

Another one with words! Here's where it was:
and now:
Moon and Back by Heart in Hand
stitched 2 over 2 on 28ct linen with Gloriana threads mostly

And now a rare Satsuma Street was here:
and now a bit more:
Happy Halloween by Satsuma Street
stitched 2 over 2 as charted
on 20ct Fiddler's aida?

This next one is sort of finished, but I decided to try and add a semblance of our actual house:
And the garage is almost complete! Haven't decided if I'll sketch in a driveway or not, but the house will be below the letters.

Everyone Brings Joy by Waxing Moon Designs
   stitched 2 over 1 on 14ct Aida I think with stash threads

Next up was a more Herculean effort, I picked up a full coverage, 1x1 project and worked on it for about 500 stitches (3 days). It started here:
and here it is now:
Peacock Infinity Feather by CrossStitch4Everyone
stitched 1 over 1 full cross on 28ct Amethyst Spirit by Chromatic Alchemy

And that's it for Olympics stitching! No finishes, but quite a few projects had progress, which feels pretty good. Next up is the Paralympics and I think I'd like to try and finish Do Not Meddle during that. I'm quite far along and it just needs a push! 

I hope everyone has been feeling well, and having good stitching days. 

Happy Stitching,


Monday, July 29, 2024

Summer Olympics 2024 WIP Update

I decided to work on a bunch of WIPS over the Olympics. Not necessarily one per day, but I'm trying to get at least 2 hours on each WIP if I can. I don't have any particular order, basically the first one I get to in the case that holds all of them. 

The first one I came to was Winter's Feast, which used to look like this:
and now looks like this:
Winter's Feast by Mill Hill
stitched as charted with kit threads and beads on perforated paper

Next up was one that hasn't been out of the WIP box for a while (2020). It looked like this when I got it out:
and now it's  here:
2009 Santa by Prairie Schooler
stitched 2 over 2 with DMC blanc, 816, and 890
on 28ct Haunted by PTP?

Next up was another Mill Hill kit, I have a few of those on the go! Last time it looked like this:
and now you can see a bit more of the project:
Skating Snowman by Mill Hill
stitched 3 over 3 as charted with kit threads and perforated paper

And there's these little birdhouses by Durene Jones that I started a few years ago and didn't have many stitches then:

and now you can see a bit more of both of them:

Christmas Birdhouse by Durene Jones
stitched 2 over 2 on 28ct Monaco
with DMC as charted

And another one from 2020 came up in the WIP pile, it used to look like this:
and I'm posting this photo first because of the ironic mistake I made:
Can you believe it? How could I misspell school?!? Anyway, I couldn't leave it like that, so this is what it looks like now:
Official Snow Guide by Lizzie Kate
stitched 2 over 2 with random stash threads (DD, WDW)

I dug out another "small", because it's not small in 1/4 and 3/4 stitches and very fiddly, but I got quite a bit done. Here's where it was:
and now:
Honest Santa... I Didn't Do It by The Sweetheart Tree
stitched 2 over 2 with charted DMC

And lastly, I picked up this one this morning:
And added almost all of one more colour:
Stocking ornament by Jane Henderson
stitched 2 over 2 as charted
on 28ct scrap evenweave

And that's where I'm at so far. And it's only been 3 and a bit days of Olympics. Of course this was while DH and DD were away one evening and while I was off work, so the next few days probably won't have as much stitching. That's partly why I tried to get a lot done this past weekend. 

Hope you're all enjoying the Olympics, there's been some amazing performances!

Happy Stitching, 


Sunday, July 21, 2024

Overdue Update Post

Hey, back again. Life happened and kind of blind-sided me, so here we are 2 months later. Obviously, stitching time went down to almost none, but some stitching was completed. I didn't really progress any more on Snowball Fight, and there's kind of a theme in the projects I have picked up since my last post. 

First, some very minor progress on Do Not Meddle, from here:
to here:
Do Not Meddle by Dragon Fire Designs
stitched as charted 1 over 1
on 28ct Monaco

It's still possible I might actually finish this one this year, so I'll keep it available if the mood strikes. What helps with this one is it's only a few colours, even if 7 or 8 of them are green. 

I pulled out another single colour project to work on since my mental state meant easier stitching was required. Although maybe not everyone finds blackwork easy? I enjoy the fact it's only one thread length and the pattern repeats, so it's soothing in some ways. Here's where I was last on Bibilophile in the red/black colourway:
and now, another finish!
Bibliophile Blackwork Bookmark by Kincavel Krosses
stitched 1 over 1 on 28ct white Monaco
with Flamenco by Jodyri Designs

And I'm sure you'll all be surprised to hear that I changed up my plans and ended up picking up a project not on my list of 12 focus pieces. There's a good reason, I wasn't up to following anything on Pattern Keeper, and I needed something with minimal colours, so I picked up this one, which looked like this last time I picked it up:
and now looks like this:
Animal Parade by Lanarte
stitched 1 over 1 with kit threads on kit fabric

The first photo is more colour correct for the fabric. I'm pretty happy with how much I accomplished on this one. You may have noticed that the rhino on the left looks a little raggedy. I had stitched that one with 2 over 1 and  it was too thick. I've done the rest 1 over 1 and that's been easier and I like the look better. There are several more animals, but they're all smaller than these ones, so it will likely feel easier to get them completed. I will put this one away for a while though. 

I also finished the Wiglaf scarf! This was a good one to work on while I was dealing with everything. It's a very simple all knit pattern with an easy colour change pattern. You carry the other colour up the side, so there's only a few ends to weave in at the end. 

Wiglaf scarf by Lizi Lowe
knit with Fiber Me This You and the Stars 80/10/10 MCN 
and Sassy Black Yarns Connecticut Snow 100% baby alpaca

Here we are almost through July and the Olympics/Paralympics start on Friday. I don't have any new starts planned. I had possibly thought of picking up a different WIP every day, so I might attempt that. I certainly still have enough! We'll have to watch Rachel for her plans as well. 

I hope you've all had a less hectic time over the past couple months and I'll see what I can do to catch up with everyone!

Happy Stitching, 


February Update

Hello again! Here we are partway through March, so definitely time for a February update. I got a little behind in things after catching col...