Sunday, July 21, 2024

Overdue Update Post

Hey, back again. Life happened and kind of blind-sided me, so here we are 2 months later. Obviously, stitching time went down to almost none, but some stitching was completed. I didn't really progress any more on Snowball Fight, and there's kind of a theme in the projects I have picked up since my last post. 

First, some very minor progress on Do Not Meddle, from here:
to here:
Do Not Meddle by Dragon Fire Designs
stitched as charted 1 over 1
on 28ct Monaco

It's still possible I might actually finish this one this year, so I'll keep it available if the mood strikes. What helps with this one is it's only a few colours, even if 7 or 8 of them are green. 

I pulled out another single colour project to work on since my mental state meant easier stitching was required. Although maybe not everyone finds blackwork easy? I enjoy the fact it's only one thread length and the pattern repeats, so it's soothing in some ways. Here's where I was last on Bibilophile in the red/black colourway:
and now, another finish!
Bibliophile Blackwork Bookmark by Kincavel Krosses
stitched 1 over 1 on 28ct white Monaco
with Flamenco by Jodyri Designs

And I'm sure you'll all be surprised to hear that I changed up my plans and ended up picking up a project not on my list of 12 focus pieces. There's a good reason, I wasn't up to following anything on Pattern Keeper, and I needed something with minimal colours, so I picked up this one, which looked like this last time I picked it up:
and now looks like this:
Animal Parade by Lanarte
stitched 1 over 1 with kit threads on kit fabric

The first photo is more colour correct for the fabric. I'm pretty happy with how much I accomplished on this one. You may have noticed that the rhino on the left looks a little raggedy. I had stitched that one with 2 over 1 and  it was too thick. I've done the rest 1 over 1 and that's been easier and I like the look better. There are several more animals, but they're all smaller than these ones, so it will likely feel easier to get them completed. I will put this one away for a while though. 

I also finished the Wiglaf scarf! This was a good one to work on while I was dealing with everything. It's a very simple all knit pattern with an easy colour change pattern. You carry the other colour up the side, so there's only a few ends to weave in at the end. 

Wiglaf scarf by Lizi Lowe
knit with Fiber Me This You and the Stars 80/10/10 MCN 
and Sassy Black Yarns Connecticut Snow 100% baby alpaca

Here we are almost through July and the Olympics/Paralympics start on Friday. I don't have any new starts planned. I had possibly thought of picking up a different WIP every day, so I might attempt that. I certainly still have enough! We'll have to watch Rachel for her plans as well. 

I hope you've all had a less hectic time over the past couple months and I'll see what I can do to catch up with everyone!

Happy Stitching, 



  1. You've stitched quite a lit. Great progress on Do Not Meddle, I like your bookmark and the Animal Parade is so effective. Sometimes a simple easy project is all we need, comfort in craft, take care x

  2. Tiffstitch: Any stitching is better then no stitching, love the animal design, wow I am such a fan of elephants, they are so amazing for being such big animals.
    I like working on a single color myself, I am working on a Sampler of one color now, hope to post soon.
    Congratulations on finishing the scarf.


    1. Thank you! And definitely agree. It seems like the more we learn about elephants, the more amazing they are. I hope your sampler is going well.

  3. Glad to hear from you again, even if life got in the way of your stitchy plans - don't we all know it? Bibliophile looks great, I too enjoy doing blackwork and should really try to get some back into my rotation.

    1. It is so fun. And there's lots of little projects out there so it doesn't feel like a burden. Hope all is good!

  4. I think we are all feeling "the life gets in the way"....great projects.


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

Here we are, almost a month into the new year, and as often happens, I've been able to get a fair bit of stitching in. We'll see how...