Monday, October 21, 2013

October 2013 IHSW - The Conclusion

Of course I didn't have a ton of time to stitch with working all weekend, but I did get some. First off, I started something new because I'm crazy... although at least it is a smallish, monochrome design. It's the new AAN ornament from Just Cross Stitch. Here's the photo from the magazine:

And here's my start. I'm using an unknown blue/green hand dyed fabric from a dear friend in Australia and some Dinky Dyes red silk from an Oops pack. I don't know what colour it's supposed to be, but I like the effect so far. I'm stitching the inside of the ornament first in case I run out of the skein. 

And I also worked a little bit on my Homeward Trail that I'd like to finish by about November 7th to get it framed and mailed in time for November 14, but we'll see if that happens. 

It has a ton of confetti in that circular part, and then the rest has a lot of satin B5200 DMC, which is kind of slippery to work with. I'll keep at it though, it's already well past where it was months ago. :)

Hope everyone had fun hermitting!


Thursday, October 17, 2013

October 2013 IHSW this weekend!

I have to work this weekend, but hopefully I'll still have time to stitch a little bit.

For now I'll update my latest stitching!

Here's the completed Mill Hill kit: Midnight Farm

And a shot of the glow-in-the-dark thread used, Kreinik #4 grapefruit:

I also completed another little ornament from the Just Cross Stitch Sept/Oct magazine, for my Grandma:

I sewed a button on so it can be a hanger, and now I just need to mail it so it gets there in time.

Hopefully I'll work a little more on some Xmas presents, although there is that great free chart from Passione Ricamo. Since it's all one colour it might be simple enough. Of course there's also the gift I need to work on for a friend, I'm hoping to finish 2 letters from Nora for her as a thank you.

Same ol', same ol', too much stitching, too little time. :)

Happy hermiting!


Monday, October 14, 2013

Turtle Trot 2013 - October Edition

I actually stitched on a Turtle Trot piece this month! It was only a little, but at least I'm finally back to stitching more regularly again. With the move and the pregnancy I haven't had a ton of energy, but now that we're settled and I have my stitching area set up I'm actually somewhat organized and able to stitch again.

Here's the work I did on Fry and Leela:

I hope to get even more work done on the rest of the pieces this month since I'm taking more time off work shortly. 

Good luck turtling everyone!


Monday, September 23, 2013

IHSW - September Edition

Finally I did some stitching! I worked a lot on my Mill Hill Buttons and Beads kit, Midnight Farm. I'm glad to get back to stitching for IHSW.

Here's my progress, and I did start it before this weekend, but I got a lot done Friday through Sunday since I had the weekend off.

And earlier this week I finished off Jack-A-Rachnid from the Sept/Oct edition of Just Cross Stitch. I really enjoy that magazine.

So lots of happy stitching time. Plus on Saturday I had our monthly stitching group at my LNS, The Whistling Duck and learned a lot more about finishing ornaments. There's a lot I didn't know, and I hope to show off some of my new knowledge when I finish the spider. And I think I might like to stitch another one too. It was fairly quick.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Happy Stitching,


Friday, September 13, 2013

It's that time again, September Turtle Trot update time. Once again I have yet to stitch on any of the Turtle Trot pieces. While it's true I only recently got my stitching stash moved and opened, I have some other pieces with me I could have been working on.

Whether I want to blame it on work or stress, fatigue, etc. There's all kinds of excuses. Instead, how about I show you something I did finish. At least until I get a beading needle, it's just missing a few beads.

This is Jack-A-Rachnid from the Just Cross Stitch Sept/Oct issue. I love him!

I hope the rest of your Turtle Trot-ers did better!


Sunday, August 18, 2013

First post from Blogger!

So my old blog continues to be hacked, and since it's connected to DH's work websites it's affecting the whole system. DH will rebuild the server at some point, but until then I need a place to post my cross-stitch stuff, whether I'm getting much done or not. :)

This will be partly a late Turtle Trot post, although I again did not work on any of the 13 pieces I selected. With visiting family and friends and still moving into our new place, I just did not get a chance to pull out any of those WIPs.

I did work some more on Dog Lessons by Lizzie Kate. I'm stitching it on 32 count Dublin linen in sand colour I believe. I'm using all Weeks Dye Works and I adjusted the palette a bit to fit my preferences. Instead of Cocoa Bean from Crescent Dye Works, the even numbered rows of words are in WDW Moss. I'm folding the thread so it has less variegation showing through as well. I think everything else is the same though, just adjusting some colouring here and there through the work.

That's all for now, so happy stitching!


February Update

Hello again! Here we are partway through March, so definitely time for a February update. I got a little behind in things after catching col...