Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Top 10 Tuesdays: Top 10 Costumes/Fancy Dress and Update

I've been progressing really well on Homeward Trail and here's where it's at now!

I definitely think I will finish all stitching by the end of this week. I can't wait. That will be another 3+ year old UFO complete. 

And on to TOP 10 TUESDAYS!

It's been a few years since I dressed up myself for Halloween and I think we'll probably start doing it with DD as she gets older. It's DH's favourite time of year, and he likes to put a lot into decorating our house and yard. 

One of my favourite things to do is get glow-sticks and put them in cardboard tubes with holes cut out so it looks like eyes are gazing at you. Like this:

And now for the list! Make sure you check out Kate's and Keeble's so you get lots of costume ideas. My list will cover all family members :)


1. Pikachu - a great way to dress up as everyone's favourite Pokemon and not have to wear a boy's costume

2. Scuba Diver - a DIY for anyone, not just children

3. Ladybug - for anyone

4. King of the Jungle - for our furry children

5. Fall Foliage - this is a local one that struck my funny bone

6. Little Red Riding Hood - this could be for anyone in the family, including the men

7. Great White Shark - with some adjustments you could try this on any sized pet

8. Toy Soldier - another costume that would work for any human member of the family

9. Weeping Angel from Doctor Who - inexpensive costume, only need a mask and bedsheet?

10. Glow-in-the-dark skeleton dress - I'm thinking about getting this for work next Halloween!

I hope my list gave you some ideas, or some good places to start. I stuck with mostly DIY since this list is going up a few days before Halloween. That way you'd have time to put some of these together. 

Happy Halloween!



  1. You've done a lot on HT and it's looking SO good. Go Tiff go!

  2. Wow you are really moving along. Great costumes!

  3. Great list and LOVE the glow stick idea!

  4. Cool costumes :) That dress is awesome!! as too is the stitching.


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

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