Monday, May 16, 2016

IHSW May Conclusion and May Gifted Gorgeousness!

IHSW Part 1 is over for the weekend and I hope everyone had time to stitch. I had Saturday off and I managed to almost finish KLT Charting Owl #5:

I stitched until I ran out of my WDW Lavender thread. I wasn't sure if I had any more, but I found 2 more skeins, so I was able to finish off the Owl last night:

At least mostly. I just realized while looking at the photos that the tips of his wings need 2 stitches each! How annoying.. But I'll go back and fix it when I get this out again. My stripes might be different than everyone else's because I made an error on the owl outline on #4, but I stayed with it for this owl because otherwise it would look odd on the row. I don't think you'll notice it once I'm done the owls since the row will match and be close enough to the others. 

Also, this is the GG post for May! I'm a day late again, so I'll try and be brief. 

I finished Autumn Elegance, which will be a Christmas gift for a co-worker:

This was a lot of fun to stitch and try something new. I really enjoyed stitching on 22 count hardanger for this one with Caron Watercolours. 

KLT Charting Owl #4

The SAL was a gift and I stitched on 18 count afghan fabric with Caron Waterlilies Passion. 

KLT Charting Owl #5
WDW Lavender on 18 count afghan fabric

Handblessings Walk With Dad for Father's Day

And I think that's it! So shorter than the last few GG posts. I'll have to go check out everyone else's now and happy stitching everyone!



  1. Congrats on all of the cute finishes Tiffany.


  2. Congrats on lovely finishes.

  3. Great GG post Tiff! I like the sleepy owl. That's going to be a lovely bright piece when it's finished.

  4. Your owls always make me smile, each one so different in design.

  5. wow, i gufi sono meravigliosi, mi piacciono i colori

  6. I really can't wait to see the owl project in its entirety!

  7. Your Owl looks great - I love seeing all the different color choices for the owls.

  8. Thanks for taking part in GG this month.
    Love the Autumn Elegance colours. The Walk with Dad piece is lovely too. The plain thread for the figures was a good choice.

  9. Some lovely projects. The owl is so cute. I hope the person receiving your gift has a clue about how much time went into it. =)

  10. I'm glad you did an owl. I am loving the colour choices you are making.


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

Here we are, almost a month into the new year, and as often happens, I've been able to get a fair bit of stitching in. We'll see how...