Wednesday, July 27, 2016

WIP Wednesday

I hope everyone has had a great week! It's been really wonderful having our friends here over this last week and we successfully pulled off a surprise birthday party for DH last Saturday! It was definitely a challenge, but he was completely surprised. Part of the reason is his birthday isn't until December ;) But our friends won't be here then and he'd be too suspicious in December, so he's already had his big birthday surprise. 

I had a special cake made that was entirely dairy free so everyone could enjoy it, and it was fantastic! It was very specially decorated too, so once I get the photos off the camera I'll post one of his cake. I forgot to take one with my phone. DH really loved it, and everyone had a good time at the party, so I'm glad we pulled it off. 

On to stitching! 

Not too much done this week with all the excitement, but owl #10 is almost done! I only have a few days to finish it off and the other 2, but I think I can manage it since I have the weekend as well. 

Here's Owl #10 outlined in DMC 823, 4 over 1 and filled in with Jodyri Flying Monkeys (love the name!) 3 over 1:

Clearly this one is unhappy I have him in the Qsnaps crooked and is eyeballing the little bit of Qsnap showing in this photo. :) 

I hope you've all had good weeks and wish me luck finishing off Owls 10-12 before Sunday!

Happy Stitching,


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

WIP Wednesday: Halfway Point

It feels really great to say I'm halfway done Spider Banner!!

I'm really excited to have finished the first page and I folded it in half to make sure I definitely had enough fabric for the bottom and there's more than half below the midline, so that's a big relief too. I feel like Just One July should maybe become Solo September too maybe. :)

I'm going back to the owls to finish them off before I get back to this one, at least provided there's some July left after I finish the owls. We have house guests coming this weekend and my stitching time will naturally be reduced somewhat, but the nice thing is I don't have to work for a few days either, so it's kind of like vacation. 

Time to clean up the stitching area so others can use it too! I hope you've all had good weeks so far!

Happy Stitching,


Sunday, July 17, 2016

Gifted Gorgeousness - July Edition

I'm a little late posting because I couldn't face a lot of internet time after the attack in Nice. I do not understand the world right now. 

So let's bring a little happiness back to each other by talking about what makes us and other's happy, stitching and gifting. This is July's Gifted Gorgeousness post and I hope you check out everyone's links over at our wonderful host, Jo's blog. We're posting about stitching related items we're stitching for gifts, or received for gifts, basically anything you shoehorn into the topic. :) 

Since last month's post I finished one page (and a bit) on HAED Mini Winter Magic - a gifted chart:

I also completed owls number 7 and 8 from KLT Charting Owl SAL:
outline with DMC 823
filling with Jodyri Tropic Blooms
outline with DMC 823
filling with Jodyri Dragon Flames

I also started a Rainbow Butterfly for the Facebook group that is making quilts for victims of Orlando:

and for Just One July through Justine's blog, I'm working mostly on AAN's Spider Banner, although next time I move the Qsnaps I'm going to put the owls back in. 
 latest progress:

I also finished Totally Nuts for a friend, although making it into a needle book hasn't quite happened yet:

So it's been a busy month for stitching, even though I had to take off last week mostly because I tweaked my back. It's pretty much better now, so I'm taking it easy. 

I hope you all had good months and this weekend is also IHSW!

Happy Stitching, 


Monday, July 11, 2016


I hope everyone had a great weekend! I had a nice rainy weekend that included a lot of stitching. I'm enjoying stitching on AAN's Spider Banner so much that I forgot to get out the owl I was supposed to work on, whoops!

As a reminder, Spider Banner will be this size when complete:

and now I'm here!

WDW Cherry Vanilla 2 over 2
WDW Cyclamen (not Grape Ice, sorry!) 2 over 2 
WDW Gunmetal 2 over 2
on 32 count opalescent fabric, unknown manufacturer and name

This is so much fun to stitch and naturally it's really growing fast in this largely unstitched section. :) I've just moved my Qsnaps, so once I move them again I will get back to the owls. I might have 2 in a row to complete because I may not get back to stitching for a day or 2. I managed to do something to my back yet again, so stitching will be on hold for a bit. 

Of course this does mean I can work on other chores hopefully and get things ready for guests who are visiting from July 21 on. I can't wait! Too bad I can't clean right now.... right DH? ;) 

I hope you've all had great week's of stitching and don't forget to check out Super Mom No Cape's blog for the Stitchery Link-up Party!

Happy Stitching,


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

WIP Wednesday - JOJ Edition #1

It's Wednesday again and time to show off your WIPs! I have a finish to include this week as well, and I'll start with that. 

Here's Owl #9 outlined in DMC 823 - 4 over 2 and wearing Jodyri Dragon Flames 3 over 2:

And a rather poor photo of the whole set (me holding it up while DH took a photo)

But you see why I can't entirely put this one down for the month. Only 3 more owls to go! 

And now to my JOJ focus piece, AAN's Spider Banner with wildly different colours than charted. It will look something like this when complete:

But my colour scheme is completely different. This is where I was in January after DUCJFC:

And now I'm all the way to here:
WDW Cherry Vanilla
WDW Grape Ice
WDW Gunmetal
all 2 over 2

I have hopes of reaching the spider at least this month and I think it's possible. I really enjoy stitching this one on this pretty, sparkly fabric. I believe it's 32 count, but I'm not sure the type. It's very nice to stitch on for sure. 

I do recommend not stitching while watching subtitled Stephen Chow movies though :) We were watching Journey to the West last night and I think I got one whole strand in after 2 hours of the movie! He was directing this one instead of starring and it was an interesting story with lots of good humour, like most of his movies. We also recently watched The Mermaid, and that is fantastic! If you have a chance to watch it, you should. The comedic timing of the stars is awesome. We rented it from Amazon and watched it twice!

I hope you've all had good weeks and are enjoying JOJ if you joined. Happy Stitching!


Saturday, July 2, 2016

Just One July

Justine sent me a note to remind me I better let everyone in on what I'm going to stitch for Just One July :) That's only fair since I had a giveaway and all. 

There are 3 winners because of how I'm going to stitch in July. Two people chose #5, which will be my focus piece, AAN's Spider Banner:

The winners are Mii Stitch and Irene! I will be emailing you shortly for your addresses for your fabric prize!

The third winner is Jo for picking #1, KLT Charting owls because I'm going to work on that over the weekends. That includes this weekend and I'm almost finished Owl #9:
Owl #9 KLT Charting SAL
outline - 4 over 2 DMC 823
filling - 3 over 2 Jodyri Dragon's Flame

I have 3 more weekends in July where I'll work on the other owls, otherwise I'm working solely on Spider Banner. In fact, I hope to finish Owl #9 shortly and switch AAN into the same Qsnaps, even though the weekend isn't over. :) I can't wait to get back to it. 

Thanks everyone for your guesses and congratulations to the winners!


February Update

Hello again! Here we are partway through March, so definitely time for a February update. I got a little behind in things after catching col...