Saturday, July 2, 2016

Just One July

Justine sent me a note to remind me I better let everyone in on what I'm going to stitch for Just One July :) That's only fair since I had a giveaway and all. 

There are 3 winners because of how I'm going to stitch in July. Two people chose #5, which will be my focus piece, AAN's Spider Banner:

The winners are Mii Stitch and Irene! I will be emailing you shortly for your addresses for your fabric prize!

The third winner is Jo for picking #1, KLT Charting owls because I'm going to work on that over the weekends. That includes this weekend and I'm almost finished Owl #9:
Owl #9 KLT Charting SAL
outline - 4 over 2 DMC 823
filling - 3 over 2 Jodyri Dragon's Flame

I have 3 more weekends in July where I'll work on the other owls, otherwise I'm working solely on Spider Banner. In fact, I hope to finish Owl #9 shortly and switch AAN into the same Qsnaps, even though the weekend isn't over. :) I can't wait to get back to it. 

Thanks everyone for your guesses and congratulations to the winners!



  1. Congratulations to the winners! Looking forward to watching your choices grow Tiff.

  2. Congratulations to us! I love the latest owl, it's such a simple fill in pattern but the variegated thread makes it really pretty.
    Looking forward to seeing both designs progress for JOJ

  3. Congrats to the winners and good luck with your stitching projects.

  4. Congrats to the winners! The spider banner will be fun to watch grow; AANs are great. :D Good luck on JOJ~

  5. He looks fabulous!
    I've seen quite a few bloggers joining in with Justine and the Just one July, i'm looking forward to watching everyones progress

  6. Thank youuuuu!!! I'm very happy!!! :)

  7. Arrgggghhhhh! I almost chose that one! Anyway it's beautiful so I will enjoy watching it grow. Congratulations to all your winners.

  8. Congrats to the winners. But, darn I didn't win. The owl looks great.


  9. Congrats to the winners. Love the pieces you picked. Can't wait to watch them grow. Good luck!

  10. Congrats to your winners!
    I love your owls... the colours are gorgeous!
    I am looking forward to seeing your July focus piece grow as the month goes on :o)
    Hugs xx

  11. I love that design and can't wait to read your update post :) The owl is so cute too with the variegated thread.


Thanks for any comments!

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