Friday, December 9, 2016

Finally Friday!

It's been another busy week for me and I hope it hasn't been too busy for the rest of you!

I have some progress on At Your House, and I'm over halfway done. I didn't quite get it finished by the end of this week as I was hoping, but I'm well on the way. I have to work tomorrow, but not Sunday, so there's still some hope I'll get it complete over the weekend. 

I have a little more completed, but I haven't taken a new photo yet. Things at work have been busy, so I've been stitching and stitching and then go straight to bed. It's so nice to have stitching as a release valve! I'm really looking forward to finally a day off on Sunday. I'm also getting 4 days off over Xmas, so I also can't wait for that break. 

I think right now I'm going with getting At Our House complete and one Frosty Friend before Xmas. I still need to put the bargello pillow together and I'll need to decide how to finish this one as well. I was wondering what you all thought about a vertical pillow? Versus a framed piece. The recipients tend not to get around to hanging things very quickly. 

Have a good weekend, and thank you all for your wonderful comments on my last post!

Happy Stitching,



  1. Wow, huge progress on your LK project!!!
    I'm sure it will be done in no time.

  2. Stunning piece, well done on your progress. Enjoy your Sunday off. A vertical pillow might be a nice way to finish this piece, it would match the style & sentiment of the piece as well.

  3. That's a great design, love it! Busy over here too: company Christmas party tomorrow night and I haven't bought me any party clothes yet, helping to move my daughter into her new place, etc. Have a good weekend yourself!

  4. Wow a lovely stiching work in progress! Have a nice wk

  5. Awesome progress Tiffany. I need to get that chart.


  6. You've done really well with that piece. I was going to suggest a wall hanging until I finished reading the sentence! I think a pillow would be the way to go then - it needs to be enjoyed.

  7. Great work on the House Rules. How about a tall box finish? With a pointed roof piece! It would look awesome.

  8. It looks great! (I am also contemplating making a pillow with QS Red Hearts, so I think it's a great idea!) The afghan you created for your grandma is gorgeous.

  9. Lovely progress on the L*K, its so bright and cheerful looking

  10. che bello, dai che finiamo tutto per Natale :)

  11. You made a great progress on house rules! I have never tried vertical pillow, it's a great idea. Not sure, what size is the finished piece you can have it framed with back support flap as we do for frames to keep on the tables, mantle etc.

  12. YOu are stitching this up so quickly. I love these Rules

  13. Great progress! I hope you had a lovely weekend to do some more :)

  14. Beautiful progress. I love the idea of a pillow. Honestly I'm running out of wall space. I can sit a pillow anywhere. So I'll definitely be making more of them in my near future. We have a lot to do in the next two weeks but I keep telling myself I know I will get it done. So just hang in there. You will too.

  15. I cannot believe how far you are on this already! I like the idea of a pillow, but I guess it would depend on if they have pets that like to chew on things.

  16. Your progress on the L*K piece is not bad, you were definitely stitching a lot on it.
    I'm always more inclined to pillows than to framed pieces.

  17. I love that L*K design, I did it for our house in KY when my daughter and granddaughter moved with our other 2 daughters. Oh lord 3 grown women in one house, but it worked. Can't wait to see it finished.


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

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