Thursday, December 15, 2016

Gifted Gorgeousness - December Edition

I made it all the way through the year! And I mostly posted on time, so I'm pretty impressed with that as well. It's been really fun meeting new bloggers and crafters and I always enjoy reading your GG posts. 

For the last time this year, GG is the brainchild of the brainy Jo of Serendipitous Stitching. There's a link-up on her GG post and you can check out everyone's gifted and shoe-horned stitching. :) 

Since the last GG post I've managed to fully finish the Song of the Weather hardanger lapghan and given it to my Grandma:

I'm well ahead on At Our House by LK:

I'm showing 2 photos so you can see the whole thing so far. There are 2 more lines of text under the dark blue squares and that's it! I think I can finish on the weekend and get it finished-finished by Thursday to give it to the recipient. 

Rejoice Tree is fully finished as well as a cube style finish:

And that's all I have to show stitching wise. However, I was gifted a few charts in the after Thanksgiving HAED sale, and I need to figure out how to start these 3 next year:
 Mini Autumns Promise
 Mini Among the Cherry Blossoms
Mini Computer Catastrophes

I think I can figure out a way to start all of these. I'm thinking I can remove the background on the 2 dragon ones and use a hand-dyed fabric and that will work perfectly! Plus I will probably tent stitch because I need to get an HAED finished some day! 

I hope you've all had a great month and I hope Jo feels up to doing this again next year. Thanks for being an awesome host Jo!

Happy Stitching,



  1. At Our House is looking terrific. Great new charts - I have the regular size Computer Catastrophes.

  2. Che bella la coperta e che bella tua mamma!

  3. Beautiful finish, progress and charts Tiffany.


  4. Very productive month for you sweetie.
    Cheering you on for the LK finish and great new stash too. The idea of removing the background and stitching the dragons on hand-dyed fabrics is excellent ;)

  5. Great stitching and good idea for the HAEDs. The hand dyed fabric companies that are out there, it should be easy to find what you're looking for.

    1. Thank you and I hope so. I should have something in my stash I can use.

  6. I love your idea to use hand-dyed fabric for those two dragons, they would look fabulous and save on stitching time! A great GG post. I especially like the LK you are working on.

  7. Lovely stitching !! Good luck with HAED projects.

  8. Great gifts that you finished and are about to finish.
    These HAED projects look gorgeous. Hand-dyed fabric would be a great solution for them.

  9. Thanks for taking part in GG this year. The lapghan and tree are gorgeous and you're making great progress on the House Rules.
    The dragon charts are lovely but background removal is a must!

  10. Beautiful Song of the Weather lapghan, your gran must have been thrilled.

  11. You've done some great gift stitching, and gotten some great gifts as well! I especially like the autumn dragon one and I'm looking forward for you to start that one.

  12. Ohh my I love the dragons of course!! Can't wait to watch them grow. You've done great this year with your GG posts. I hope I can manage to do better next year.

  13. Lovely stitching, the color changing thread on rejoice tree is so pretty =)
    I love the new Haed charts you got, I was RAKed with Autumns Promise and Among the Cherry Blossoms a few months ago and they are so lovely! I think I even kitted up Among the Cherry blossoms, but I didn't get around to start it yet. So I would love to see your work on them or that cute Spangler chart =)


Thanks for any comments!

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