Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Top 5 Tuesdays: Top 5 Books on Your Must-Read List

Kate has picked another good topic today, and I might have to add some pre-orders in this list as there are some upcoming books I'm really excited about. Check out Kate's blog to check out what the other list-makers chose as well. :) 


1. Oathbringer (Stormlight Archive book 3) by Brandon Sanderson

I love this series so much! Book 2 (Words of Radiance) was possibly even better than book 1 (Way of Kings). I have enjoyed everything Brandon Sanderson has written since I first discovered his writing about 8 years ago. This series is the pinnacle for me though. If you have any interest in fantasy novels at all, start with Way of Kings and continue from there. Be warned, these books are long! But so good! 

The world described is completely different than our own, but has some basic similarities to lords and peasants at the roots. There is a type of magic that only a few people can use, and the first book follows a peasant that has become a slave (Kaladin), and a lord that is having visions (Dalinar). The magic had seemed to have left the land when the Radiant Knights abandoned the people, but maybe the Radiants are coming back? 

There is so much going on that I don't know if I'm describing it well, and it's such a good series! All of Brandon Sanderson's books are well written and have a decent amount of humour, not Terry Pratchett style, but definitely there. 

2. The Thorn of Emberlain (book 4 of Gentleman Bastards series) by Scott Lynch

Another fantastic fantasy series. You really have to like this series to stick with it as the author has had severe bouts of depression and these books do not come out very often. I've enjoyed every one as well, and am looking forward to seeing where the 2 heroes, Locke Lamora and Jean Tannen go next. The first book is The Lies of Locke Lamora. 

The first book follows some thieves, the Gentleman Bastards, who are in a sort of Venice/Italy type land. They're trying to pull off a big theft, but there is another faction trying to take over all the thieves, so Locke and Jean are pulled in a few different directions. 

3. Arcanum Unbounded by Brandon Sanderson

This is a little embarrassing, but we've had this book for a few months now and I haven't read a single page. DH has, but I haven't had time to sit and read. I'd much rather stitch, so unless this gets into audio book form, I don't know when I'll actually read it. 

It's loosely a short story collection that takes place in the fantasy world Brandon Sanderson calls the Cosmere. A lot of his stories take place in different parts of the Cosmere. There's characters from an early book called Warbreaker (also love!) that have showed up in the Stormlight Archive as well. The stories are somewhat part of the same world, but you might never know it either unless you watch for it. 

4. Mary Russell's War by Laurie R. King

This is a short story collection from the Mary Russell series. I've read only one of the stories in the collection and would like to read the rest as I'm a big fan of the series overall. Whenever I can't decide what I want to read/listen to, I'll choose one of these stories, whether I start from the beginning with The Beekeeper's Apprentice, or choose a random story as I am currently (Garment of Shadows). 

The premise behind this series is Mary Russell meets Sherlock Holmes when she's a girl of 15 and becomes his apprentice. Many adventures ensue in the books and they're well worth reading if you have an interest in detective stories. The Sherlock Holmes of these is a little different than the classic misogynist as well since he grows to respect Russell, a feminist if there ever was one. :) 

5. Solutions and Other Problems by Allie Brosh

If you've read Hyperbole and a Half, then you'll be anticipating this book as much as I am. Allie Brosh has had some personal issues from what I've heard, so the release date was pushed back a year. Hyperbole and a Half was fantastic and I'll still go back and read that one, so I'm looking forward to reading this one when available. 

I hope you enjoyed the list and let me know your must-reads too please!

Happy Stitching, 



  1. Some great book choices, there Tiffany - I, too, love Brandon Sanderson and Laurie R. King. But at the moment my favourite fantasy authors are Mark Lawrence, Miles Cameron and Ben Aaronovitch - check them out if you haven't read them already.

  2. Hey, some great choices of which i have read none. I am intrigued by the book of short stories :)

  3. Great choices. The Brandon Sanderson short stories sounds intriguing.
    Off the top of my head:
    The entire Discworld series.
    The Dragons of Pern series
    Marion Zimmer Bradley Mists of Avalon
    Alice in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass
    and if we have to have a classic - A Christmas Carol by Dickens!

  4. I have read Hyperbole and half and I liked it. I don't read much of fantasy and detective, I have an attention deficit disorder while reading this genre and remembering the details:) I find family fiction and short stories more interesting. Among the books I read recently, I liked 'A man called Ove' and 'Anne of green gables'.

  5. Oh, my! I'm never going to get my to read list down, am I? Some of these sound like I will really have to read them!

  6. I haven't read Brandon Sanderson - might have to add him to my list :o) My favourite fantasy writers are David Eddings (original ones not the new ones); Raymond E Feist; LE Modesitt; George RR Martin; Anne McCaffrey.... just to name a few! :o) I also love a good mystery story...
    Hugs x

  7. Thanks for the rec's! I will look for Way of Kings.

    1. I hope you enjoy it! It's very long, but such a great story. And the 2nd one is even better.


Thanks for any comments!

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