Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Theme-tas-Stitch - No X November

On the 21st of the month it's time to post about anything relating to the month's theme as chosen by Kerry. Check out all the details here

This month's theme is No X, meaning no straight cross stitch. Turns out I have 2 medium size projects I'd like to finish, so that meant very little time to stitch anything else. I did take one evening to stitch up the Bah Humbug small by Kincavel Krosses. Find the link in this post.

I stitched it 1 over 1 on 28 ct Monaco with some stash threads. I wanted it to be somewhat useful, so I made it into a keychain:
and backed it with some shiny card stock I had on hand:
This was a gift for a friend that loves Christmas, so I enjoyed the irony. She was like, but what? ;) Until she got it. 

I hope you all had a fun month working on some different projects!

Happy Stitching and Happy Thanksgiving to all that celebrate it this week!


Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Gifted Gorgeousness - November Edition

It's halfway through the month and that means it's time again for Gifted Gorgeousness hosted by the unstoppable Jo of Serendipitous Stitching! Join up or check out everyone else's progress here

I've been stitching away at the same old projects the last couple weeks, but here's the round up again. :) 

Covered Bridge

I finally figured out how to get a good photo of the colours that doesn't over-highlight everything. I have to kind of tip the project forward, so if the angle looks a little wonky, it is!


This probably won't see any progress until we're traveling next week, and hopefully it will get a lot then!

Lakeside Needlecraft Specialy Stitches SAL

Since this was free, it's a "gift" from the designer, Durene Jones. The threads and fabric are by Chromatic Alchemy. The thread was a limited edition one and the fabric is called Realgar. 

I hope you've all had a great month since last time and I'll need to go check everyone's progress. Hopefully I'll have some more varied projects next month as we get close to Xmas too. :)

Happy Stitching!


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

'Titching Tuesday

Okay, it's a silly alliteration, but it's late and all I could come up with. :)

I'm working away at Covered Bridge still. Did I mention I think trying to finish this one first is the best idea because Fishing has no beads or fiddly bits and I think it would be easier to stitch in the car, but beads and being a passenger probably don't work well together. 

I have 2 more days of progress, Monday:

and Tuesday:

It's looking so good! I'm really happy with it, even with all the confetti. :) Fingers crossed I can get more done tonight and see where it's at before Monday. With luck there will be a finish!

I hope you're all feeling well and getting lots of stitching done. 

Happy Stitching!


Sunday, November 12, 2017

Sunday Stitching

Time to update my WIPs! I hope everyone has had a good weekend and had as much stitching time as they wished. We've had a busy time as DD turns 4 tomorrow. She seemed to have a blast this weekend, so that's what matters. I did get a little stitching done, although having a cold and a major migraine episode this week did slow me down a little. 

There's a fair bit of confetti in the leaves of this one and I'd like to try and get the top done first, so I'm working more there first. I haven't done much with Fishing lately, but I hope to get that out this week. With luck I'll get them both finished up in a couple weeks. 

I haven't been able to do any of the No X November stitching that Theme-tas-stitch has set as the theme, but I have this one in mind for a friend. 

She's a little Xmas obsessed, so I think she'll get a laugh out of this one. It's a free chart by Kincavel Krosses and you can find it here

I hope you've all had a good week!

Happy Stitching!


Sunday, November 5, 2017

Zodiac SAL - Scorpio

It's the first Saturday of the month again and time for a Zodiac post! Head over to Jo's blog to find out what this one is all about and read about Scorpio. I have a few Scorpio's in my family and the description rings true. 

Scorpio is a water sign, so I'm shoe-horning in a few stitches with that theme. :)

Covered Bridge - get it?

Plus as an added bonus I finished the Lakeside Needlecraft SAL!!

I even tucked all the ends in and got rid of the waster knots, although this is not quite straight. Water can be all these colours depending on your perspective, reflection from sunset, etc, so I'm going with it! 

I hope everyone has had a great weekend!

Happy Stitching,


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

WIP Wednesday

I hope you all had a Happy Halloween! Jo was at it again with her blog hop and check it out here if you haven't tried for the sweet prizes. I forgot to mention which one I'd like to win, but I think the Imaginating design is the coolest. 

I realized I didn't really have any new Halloween stitching besides the Palko lap monthly stitch in orange and black, so I showed one from 2015 that I love! And still need to make into a pillow. 

On to current WIPs though! 

The Lakeside Needlecraft Specialty Stitches SAL will be over this Friday when part 6 comes out. I can't wait! I finished Part 5:

I'm stitching this one over one on 28 ct Realgar by Chromatic Alchemy with a club thread. I've almost used one entire skein, so that's pretty impressive. I'm using waste knots and hope to clean this up after part 6 is complete. :)

Fishing is coming along as well and is starting to look like something now:

I still have a decent amount to complete and hopefully I can get a few good evenings of stitching in this weekend for this one and Covered Bridge. 

I hope you all had fun yesterday and time to buckle down for Xmas! :)

Happy Stitching!


February Update

Hello again! Here we are partway through March, so definitely time for a February update. I got a little behind in things after catching col...