Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Stitchy Quest for the One Ring - The Hobbit Quest 6

I feel like there's a line from the LOTR universe about broken promises that I should be adding, but I can't think of it and I want to get this post done so I can finally get the Magical Stitches ones finished too. :) if you know it, please tell me.

Instead of a long School of Magical Stitches post, this is a short Hobbit/LOTR post about this current week's stitching. I finished it up last night, so thought it would be good to share it ASAP and then try and stay current.

This week we're working on Quest 6: A Very Late Start to An Adventure. After the big party with the dwarves, Bilbo was having a bit of a lie-in and thinking maybe he'd dreamed everything, when he gets up and Gandalf hurries him out of the house saying everyone has left before him. In Bilbo's haste, he left his pipe, his pocket handkerchief, money, his walking stick, all kinds of useful things to have on an adventure. For all tasks, you had to roll a six-sided die and multiply your stitch count by 50.

Task 1 was to stitch on something that you started later than you wanted. This was easy for me, as I always start seasonal stitching too late. I picked up my Lizzie Kate April Flip-It which was here:

 and I rolled a 4, so a little over 200 stitches got it to here:
but I couldn't just leave it there, so I finished it:
Lizzie Kate April Flip-It
stitched 1 and 2 over 1 with stash threads on 22ct ivory hardanger

Task 2 was to stitch on something you started before you had all the materials at hand. I was missing thread for the Universal Monsters SAL since it uses some of the new DMC colours, so that was another reason to get this one out and try and catch up. I rolled a 1, so only needed 50 stitches and got to here:

Task 3 was to stitch on something related to what Bilbo forgot. If you wanted to use pocket handkerchief, then clothes would work, so again, Universal Monsters SAL. This time I rolled a 2 and had to stitch another 100 stitches to here:
Universal Monsters SAL by Witchy Stitcher
stitched 2 over 2 as charted on 28ct Al's Dark Magic by Chromatic Alchemy

And that was all for this week's quest. I'll try and get some of the Magical stitches post done tomorrow and maybe publish in a day or two.

Happy Stitching!



  1. Another fun post Tiffany. I really love your posts about the groups.


    1. Thank you! I hope I can get the other one caught up today or tomorrow as well.

  2. Thanks for sharing. It's fun to see how you make the pieces fit. That's my favorite part of these challenges.

  3. Hey, congratulations on your finish; that's another WIP gone and a step closer to you allowing yourself a new start! Gotta love that little sea monster too. He's so sweet! :)

  4. How about this one: "It is ever so with the things that Men begin: there is a frost in Spring, or a blight in Summer, and they fail of their promise."
    Great progress! I was a little less lucky with my dice, but I actually managed to be up to date on all my homework, quest (well, I still have some to catch up on from before I joined), and even extra credit stitching by the end of June. Now for a whole new month full of fun!

  5. Nice work on the cute little swamp monster! These tasks are fun.


Thanks for any comments!

January Update

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